Christian and bhakti

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Apr 25 2002 - 21:18:32 PDT

Dear Katie,

If you are a good Christian, you are a good Muslim; if
you are a good Muslim, you are a good Hindu; if you
are a good Hindu, you are a good Buddhist; if you are
a good Buddhist, you are a good Jew; if you are a good
Jew, you are a good Zoroastrian.

But you cannot be anyone of these if you are not a
conscientious human being wedded to Truth, Compassion
for all Life forms and Humility.

Tell me of one religion that doesn't teach you of
these noble qualities and I can tell you with all
authority that it cannot be a religion.

Make your Love for Jesus your way to attain God.
Rituals matter in the least, though if you perform
rituals, they do inculcate discipline. But mere
recital of rituals and their meaningless repetition 
without understanding their philosophical significance
in a given cultural context could be called courting
sin through the office of ignorance.

May you be successful in attaining your divine goal.
May you experience bliss through your religious

Krishnan Ayyangar

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