karma and God

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Apr 25 2002 - 18:25:57 PDT

Dear Members,

The following question was sent to me. Does anyone
have any insights?


Hi Mani,

I think that god punishes cos this is what we read in epics ... he does 
punish ravana in a way. But that aside, what i want to know is, is the 
factor that death by Lord dictated by Karma? Meaning that if a perosns karma 
is such that he will have a natural death then Lord cannot kill him ? or can 
perumAL over ride that. Perumals use of the instrument of karma - is it 
according to His wish or is that dictated by the jIvatma's karma meaning 
perumal will be able to kill/punish a person only if jIvAtma's karma has 
something saying that hes destined to die in the hands of the Lord.

WE do have so many puraNaas where rakshasas ask for boons and perumAL finds 
a loop hole and kills them - so now what does these things mean - can 
someone who gives boon, like Lord Brahma can also over ride karma or is it 
such that persons karma dictates that these things are destined to happen ? 
Becasue as far as i understand perumAL can liberate you from karma etc but 
he wasnt the one who started karma etc ... & karma is beginingless ...


           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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