Re: Christian interested in Bhakti

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Apr 25 2002 - 15:45:11 PDT


I appreciate your note and your desire to further progress along the path of 
Bhakti.  This desire itself is a major step in the right direction that the 
Lord has created in you.  I would like to add my own 2 cents worth to what 
Rohit had written.

First of all, those who believe that Jesus is the only way, are also indeed 
saved - for their faith does not go in vain.  All our prayers in whatever 
form it may be, reaches that ONE SUPREME SOURCE Keshava whose grace 
ultimately descends on the sincere and aspiring soul.  Once His grace starts 
working, one becomes a Sattvika and finds solace thinking of His lotus feet 
and His lotus feet alone.  However, the pull of Maya is so strong that we 
may get back to our old ways forgetting the supreme Lord.  Great scriptures 
like Srimad Bhagavatam and Ramayanam teach us the techniques to progress 
along the path of Bhakti and they can be summarized as follows (extremely 
preliminary steps):

- Discipline and self-control (AnushtAnam is the word we use) and 
performance of prescribed duties.
- Chanting and remembering the Lord through the SaharanAmam or 1000 names 
and other means.
- Attending Sat-sanghs that glorify Him.
- Being in the company of such like-minded people (such as the Bhakti net)

The above things, sincerely performed, will lead you to seek an achAryA who 
will intercede on your behalf and do 'bhara-samarpanam' or 'sharanAgati' for 
you.  This is the ultimate step that puts you into a state where nothing 
else needs to be performed.

I hope this (simple as it may sound) helps.

S. Vijayaraghavan
Buffalo, NY

>From: "squeakpal" 
>Subject: Christian interested in Bhakti
>Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 13:54:54 -0000
>Dear Ones...I have been researching bhakti on the net, and I ran
>across this group.  After having read a few posts, I can see how
>ignorant I am of all this.  I have read Ramakrishna and Vivekenanda,
>but that is all.  I am very interested in living my christian life
>according to the precepts of bhakti yoga.  I'm rather an odd
>christian in that I don't believe that Jesus is the ONLY way, and I
>know that all sincere paths lead back to God.  I happen to love Jesus
>with all my heart...or at least I want to.  Western christianity does
>not offer much in the way of techniques to further one along the
>path.  I was hoping you all might have some suggestions.  I would
>appreciate any feedback.  Mani has been very kind when I have emailed
>him about this, and I so appreciate the words of wisdom.
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