Re: Christian interested in Bhakti
From the Bhakti List Archives
Rohit Iyer • Thu Apr 25 2002 - 12:42:33 PDT
Dear Katie, I am glad to see a pious devotee like yourself. The designations like Hindu, Christian, European, Indian, Chinese etc. are bodily designations and don't apply to the soul. First we must try to answer the question - "who am I?" Am I this body or am I something else. From the Vedic literature we get full information about who we really are. We are spirit souls inhabiting this physical body. We are not matter. I am not this body, but my body is my property. Just as I go to a shop and buy a car and I own the car, similarly I have "bought" this body of mine by my karmas done in my previous life. My karmas have determined what type of body I have acquired in this life. By doing good actions and dedicating them to the lotus feet of Vishnu (GOD), I can free myself from the reactions of Karmas and go to the ETERNAL kingdom of God, from where there is no return. There I will live with God forever. In the Vedic literature this eternal abode is called VAIKUNTHA. Of course you can continue to remain a christian and enter the same celestial abode as us Hindus. Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad Gita - "Aham bija prada pita" (I am the seed giving father). Therefore God is my father as well as yours. He bestows his grace equally on all with no discrimination. We just have to shelter under his lotus feet, whether we are inhabiting a Hindu body or christian body. Jesus himself praised his father(GOD) in the bible by saying "Hallowed be thy name!". Therefore we have to chant his holy name always. The Lord's holy name is called Hari-nama. There is a great power in Hari-nama or the name of God. Hope this helps. Thanks, rohit -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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