Re: Sri Ramayana Tatthva Deepika - Ba:la Ka:nda (10)
From the Bhakti List Archives
vaidhehi_nc • Thu Apr 25 2002 - 08:05:49 PDT
SriRAmaJayam SrimathE RAmAnujAya nama: Dear Krishna, Your explanation is very good. I would like to share my feelings. I feel God is the Supermother of all mothers. Just as a mother would have a softcorner for her baby/grown child(however bad it may turn out to be)just for the sake of having carried that baby in her womb,God will have softcorner for us because we are all coming from His womb. A mother correctly interprets the blabberings of baby and knows what it wants and so is God with respect to us. When God is the epitome of kalyANa guNAs(there is no negative traits in Him,that's why we call Him PuruSOtamA),will HE not forgive us? "Attitude/feelings is more important than the act itself and this is what God expects in us" I think. Did not SriRAmA forgive kAkAsuran who did a grave mistake? Didn't RAmAnujA forgive his own wife who made BhAgavad apachAram(ill treated RAmAnujA's teachers like Tirukkachi Nambi,& the couple from whom RAmAnujA learns NDP)? AzhwAr EmperumAnAr tiruvadigaLE saraNam Sarvam krSNArpaNam astu gita Quote: God is subtle but certainly not malicious - Albert Einstein -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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