Re: Christian interested in Bhakti

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 24 2002 - 14:17:56 PDT

>I am very interested in living my christian life 
>according to the precepts of bhakti yoga.  I'm rather an odd 
>christian in that I don't believe that Jesus is the ONLY way, and I 
>know that all sincere paths lead back to God.  I happen to love
>Jesus with all my heart...or at least I want to.  Western
>christianity does not offer much in the way of techniques to further
>one along the path.  I was hoping you all might have some
>suggestions.  I would appreciate any feedback.

Dear Katie,

First and foremost, one really does not have to be a "Hindu" or
follow Bhakti Yoga to be righteous infront of Jehovah, Yaweh, Allah
or Krishna.

I would highly reccomend that you read Stephen Huyler's Book "Meeting
God". Give paramount importance when reading the preface written on
the book.

The Author of the preface states that one can derive a lot of
inspiration from hinduism and still continue to be a christian and
follow the example set by Yashua Ben Nazareth (aka Jesus Christ).

aano badraha kruthvo yantu vishwataah
(May Noble Thoughts come to us from All sides) - Rig Veda

"I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows
to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all the lands to be blown about
my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet
by any." - Mahatma Gandhi

Gandhi Says that one should maintain one's unique individuality while
still deriving the good out of every culture.



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