From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Apr 23 2002 - 18:34:07 PDT

srImathE rAmAnujAya namaha
srImadh varavara munayE namaha

Dear Sri Balaji,

A good question. I will try to answer this to my knowledge. First of 
all an apachAram is something relative and with respect to the 
persons involved. Only if it is considered as an offense by the other 
person, it becomes an offense. Otherwise there is nothing wrong. Sri 
ThirukkOshtiyUr nambi is lesser than any AchAryA and he is guNa 
poorNa. The word "nambi" in tamizh is the meaning of the 
word "poorNa" in sanskrit. "poorNA" means complete. 

What characters makes a man a "poorNA"?
-- The characters of dayA & kshamA makes the man a poorNA. 
What is a characteristic of a true AchAryA?
-- The quality of being neutral in analysing and accepting the truth 
even if it was said by his sishyA.

Sri thirukkOshtiyUr nambi had both the above complete qualities. So, 
though initially he got offended, he then analysed and accepted what 
Sri rAmAnuja did and hence forgave him, rather he corrected himself.
So where is the question of an apachAram at all here. 

Now what is true lakshaNa of a sishyA ?
-- To know what his guru will think and to act in such a way that you 
never offend your guru.

I am sure every one would accept that Sri rAmAnuja did exactly the 
same. He knew that he is not doing anything wrong and he also knew 
that his guru, who is a highly knowledgeable person, will analyse and 
accept his deeds. 

THE RIGHT GURU FOR THE RIGHT SISHYA. Outstanding example for Guru-
sishya lakshaNam isn't it.

AzhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyar thiruvadigaLE saraNam
adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan
Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh

--- In bhakti-list@y..., "K Balaji"  wrote:
> Dear BhagavatAs,
> While it is a commendable act of Acharya Ramanuja to share 
Thirumandiram to
> one & all, adiyen have one doubt.
> Acharya Ramanuja did not respect his guru's command by disclosing 
> thirumandiram to all.  This way he committed apacharam.
> Though his guru later admitted Ramanuja's greatness and compassion 
by this
> act, how did ramanuja overcome this guru apacharam.
> Did he undergo any hardship (punishment) for this act ?
> Sorry for this question that too during tirunakshatram celebration 
time.  It
> is just out of curiosity.
> Adiyen
> Balaji K

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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