From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 24 2002 - 07:24:46 PDT

SrimathE RAmAnujAya Nama:

Dear balaji,
             To be frank this question never arose in me but after 
you'd put forth, I tried to think what could be the possible reason!
I would be happy to hear the story from the learned people. But my 
reasoning is as follows:

In MahAbhArata,after the war is over and when gandhari is informed 
that duryOdhana passed away,gandhari triesto curse krSNA b'coz she 
thought HE was the culprit(knowing everything HE still did). Remember 
gandhari is a chaste woman. KrSNA tells her that she can't curse Him 
(b'coz she doesn't have the power to curse krSNA and what He did was 
to uplift the dharma but gandhari talks blinded by emotions)but if 
she wants she can curse His yAdavA race. This is the story I've 
heard! I am drawing parallel connections. I'm basically equating 
krSNA with RAmAnujA without any ambiguity... 

But RAmAnujA pours his feelings in saraNAgati gaDyam and cries to 
Lord SriRanganAthA by saying "I might have done bhagavad and bhAgavad 
apachArams and so on...and bless me to do eternal kainkaryams at your 

One incidence is the one-one conversation between Tirukkachi nambi 
and our dearest kanji "varadan". I really envy Tirukkachi nambi for 
having great bhagyam to talk to the Lord Himself(at any time!). Nambi 
cribs to the God saying that people have misconceptions and give 
wrong interpretations to the vEdAs and he being born in a sudra 
family,nobody is going to listen to him. That's why RAmAnujA comes to 
make sense into peoples' mind! So in my opinion,Bhagavad RAmAnujA is 

If something is wrong,I request the learned bhaktAs to update my 

AzhwAr EmperumAnAr tiruvadigaLE saraNam
Sarvam krSNArpaNam astu

--- In bhakti-list@y..., "K Balaji"  wrote:
> Dear BhagavatAs,
> While it is a commendable act of Acharya Ramanuja to share 
Thirumandiram to
> one & all, adiyen have one doubt.
> Acharya Ramanuja did not respect his guru's command by disclosing 
> thirumandiram to all.  This way he committed apacharam.
> Though his guru later admitted Ramanuja's greatness and compassion 
by this
> act, how did ramanuja overcome this guru apacharam.
> Did he undergo any hardship (punishment) for this act ?
> Sorry for this question that too during tirunakshatram celebration 
time.  It
> is just out of curiosity.
> Adiyen
> Balaji K

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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