ramanujar's tirumantropadesha

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Apr 20 2002 - 05:04:41 PDT

Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah

On the occasion of SriBhasyakaraÂ’s jayanthi I am going
to share my thoughts/ learnings from one of the
incidents of his life. The occasion relates to the
upadesha/imparting of Tirumantram/ Srimad Astakshara
Mantra to udayavar from his acharya .
   It is a very well known fact that Sri RamanujaÂ’s
request for the mantropadesha  was turned down by his
acharya for 17 times before he was imparted the same
on the 18th visit. A very important message lies
behind this particular act. Every acharya before
imparting the rahasyarthas should evaluate his
discipleÂ’s integrity, interest, sincerity and
capability to follow and understand the mantrarthas.

  In this context I would like to quote Swamy
DesikanÂ’s Srisukti as in ACHARYAKRTYADHIKARA of

    aDHijigamiSHuradyam DHama divyam triDHamnah,
    ShrutaviviDHa pareekSHA SHoDHitey kvaapi patrey!
    anaGHagunadaSHAyamahitah snehamaryah
     pradiSHati nirapayam samprdayapradeepam !!

 The above sloka highlighting the duty of acharya in
selecting and imparting teachings to disciples states

   Any acharya who is interested in attaining
srivaikuntha would search and select a disciple by
adopting various methods laid down in shastras for the
purpose of handing over the light of sampradaya with
love and affection and a pure heart.

 In the same aDHikara swamy quotes:

   “Samvatsaram tadarDHamva mastrayamatapiva
pareeKSHya viviDHopayayeeh krupaya nispruho vadaet” 
     From SHAndilya smrithi - 1 aDHyaya -116th SHloka

  it means that any acharya before imparting the
rahasyarthas should test the probable disciple in
different manners over a period consisting of one year
or its half i.e. six months or its half i.e. three
months and then impart the teaching with utmost

Hence to highlight this quality of an acharya;
SriBhasyakarÂ’s acharya turned him down several times
before imparting the tirumantra to him.

  In the same context I would personally request all
the srivaishnavas to learn/get the upadesha of various
mantrarthas and granthas from their respective
acharyas and then have a good discussion /debate among
themselves. It is very important to note that learning
of concepts on their own might sometimes lead to
misconceptions and wrong understanding.

devaraja dasan

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           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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