Re :Share Your thoughts on SrI Ramanuja's Thirunakshatram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Apr 18 2002 - 06:21:38 PDT

		SrImatyaI GodayaI Nama:
               SrImathE Ramanujaya Nama:

One of the many contributions of our Svami Emperumanaar was the
establishment of rules and regulations for temple administration and
worship which are outlined in the work on temple 
Injunctions(Niyamanappadi) and followed even today.Keeping in mind the
various facets involved in the management , administration and maintanence
of temples,Svami established an ideal foundation and system  
for continuous and  uninterrupted  service and the conduct of utsavams in 

		A Prapannan from the time he performs Saranagathi,till
he leaves for the Emperumaan's abode is supposed to employ all his
strength and faculties in the service of the lord.One of the things that
the above reforms lead to was to facilitate kaimkaryam for all those who
desired even while being solely dependent on the temple.	

One can live solely dependendent on the temple and do continuous service
to the Divya Dampathis and devotees of the lord.Even today we can see how
this is possible and how some Srivaishnava Bhagavathas practise
it.Attending the regular daily worship sessions provides lot of prasadam
that can easily take care of the food requirements. With the ghosti
sambhavanai that is given during certain occasions,they buy things like 
thiruman (for Rs 4.50/5 one can buy  3 sticks of thiruman and 1 packet of
sricharanam) and proudly attend to all ghosti sevais.A pair of veshtis 
to cover the body,the maTam to lie down in the night and also the well inside 
it  for taking bath.-These things mean that the essential things are taken
care of.

With the  thinking being that as long as there is  some energy/strength
left in the body let us engage ourselves in kaimkaryam,whenever Emperumaan 
calls me let Him do so, they continue to engage themselves in service all
the time.

With the above example we can see that for anyone with the
inclination and 'pakkuvam' the system is there in place to do continuous
service to the Divya Dampathis in this way all the time in the true spirit
of being a prapannan.

It is amazing that even after 900 + years of establishment of these
regulations and codes ,and inspite of all the industrial revolution and
material advancement these things are still followed and Bhagavathas
are interested in leading the kind of life as above.Even in small
and remote places the utsavams and kaimkaryams are being done within
the financial and other constraints .Sometimes it is all just half a dozen
or more bhagavathas who do everything in these remote areas.All this 
tradition still being followed is due to the arrangement and services
instituted by Svami Emperumanaar during his time.This is one among his
many great contributions during his lifetime.

Emberumanaar Thiruvadigale Saranam
adiyen Ramanuja dasan
Venkat S Iyengar

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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