Ramanuja jayanthi and Tiruvaradana kramam on the web

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 17 2002 - 23:32:01 PDT

Srimathe ramanujaya namaha

Dear bhagavathas around the globe,

namo narayana. adiyen's pranamams.

Happy Bhagavath Ramanuja Jayanthi wishes!

adiyen dasan venkat from Bahrain.

This year Ramanuja Jayanthi is being celebrated here tomorrow in a grand
manner.  For the first time,many competitions were conducted for children to
encourage them to know about our sampradayam. More than 20 children took
active part in Fancy dress competion on Dasavatharam/Azhvars, story telling
competion based on Ramayana and Maha bharatha, Thiruppavai recitation and a
quiz on the life history of Sri Ramanuja and this program was a great
success. Senior members of the goshti are putting in efforts to sing the
divya prabandham and vazhi thirunamams(tributes) on Bhagavad Ramanuja and
young children are taught to sing simple bhjans on Rama and Krishna and
Bhagavad Ramanuja.We are having a long seva kalam tomorrow morning with
recitation of prabandam,storas and bhajans etc..

On this sacred occasion adiyen is submitting detailed Tiruvaradana
ramam( worship procedure). All of us are aware that SrI Ramanuja has blessed
us with Nitya granta which outlines the daily worship procedure of salagrama
moorthy in our home. adiyen although not qualified to undertake this
kaimkaryam out of sheer interest ventured in providing the e material
detailing the procedure with all the mantras. Please visit
http://srivaishnavam.com and choose the worship link on the left menu bar.
adiyen seeks the pardon of bhagavthas for any inaccuracies and mistakes in
this humble attempt and request their guidance.


adiyen dasan,


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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