ThiruppallANdu- 2

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Apr 13 2002 - 00:07:14 PDT

SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:
Dearest srivaishnavas,
Lets us continue to enjoy the ThiruppallANdu pAsurams.

3. vaazhaatpattu-n^inReer-uLLeerEl, vandhu maNNum manamum-koNmin,
koozhaat-pattu-n^inReer-gaLai, engaL kuzhuvinil-pukuthalottOm,
Ezhaat-kaalum pazhippilOm n^aangaL, iraak-katharvaazh,
ilangai paazhaaLaagap padai-poruthaanukkup paLLaaNdu kooRuthumE.

Oh folks! Those of you who consider yourselves living (meaning: as dAsan - 
eternal servant for the Lord and considering only that as swayam 
purushaartham- real goal- living- and all else as just vegetating), come, 
join us and perform kaimkaryam (service) here (maNNum, maNamum koNmin- 
perform physical kaimkaryam, offering ¡§angurArpaNa maNN¡¨ the sand for 
offering during the festival- and thus, the festivity happiness). Or if you 
are those who find themselves slaves to others for getting food ultimately 
as the Only Goal and running amuck after food (uNdiyE udaiyE enRu), and 
getting crushed in material pursuits- koozhAtpattu:-)  we can not and will 
not allow you into our group (of Srivaishnavas- paramikAnthins- who are 
interested and desirous of only eternal service to Sriman Narayanan and none 
else: (i.e with no dEvathAnthara sambandham). We have been performing our 
service for the past seven generations (seven generations -  similar to 
enthai thanthai ... yEzhpadikkAl thodangi) to our Lord. We sing palLANdu 
(greet) to Him, who led the army into lankA where rAkshasAs lived and 
destroyed them (here this is referred- because they - the raakshasas 
belonging to Ravana were the ones in the second group - KoozhAtpattu 
ninRavargaL.. and not the ones like Vaanaraas (monkeys- who are 
vaazhaatpattu ninRavargaL- paramaikAnthin devotees of Rama).

In this first line- AzhwArs calls for the ParamaikAnthins (the devotees of 
Sriman Narayanan alone and are interested in only eternal service to the 
Lord and no other pursuits at all) to the group. He  discards ¡§others¡¨. 
There are different kinds of people.
1.	One who is interested in Bhagavath BhAgawatha kaimkaryam and considers 
that alone as the Goal.
2.	Desirous of other materialistic desires and are interested in Bhagawan 
Sriman Narayanan falls into the second group. [ekAnthins]
3.	Third group is the one that serves and prays to other people (and 
devathAs) for their material pursuits. Considering Emperumaan as equal to or 
lower than the other dEvathAs, they become asurAs and become the lankA 
vaasis as they serve Ravanan for their survival and food.
To such people, the Lord at least fights and enslaves them ultimately. 
(Remember Thirumangai AzhwAr¡¦s nAtthazhumba yEtthuginROm..pongattham pongO 
pAsurams) For the second group, he just shows them off with his dharshan, 
The first group, gets the eternal kaimkaryam be granted to them by the Lord. 
(This is the essence of this PAsuram)
[So where are we? vaazhAtpattu or KoozhAtpattu ? - perhaps, that is a good 

4. yEdunilatthil iduvathan munnam vandhu engaL kuzhaam pugundhu
koodu manam udaiyeergaL varampozhi vandhollaik kooduminO
naadum nagaramum nangaRiya namO nArAyaNAya enRu,
paadum manamudaip paththaruLLeer! vandhu paLLaaNdu kooRuminE.

[Last pAsuram, AzhwAr invites ParamaikAnthis; Now others are also interested 
in joining PeriyAzhwAr, naturally. So, AzhwAr now advises kaivalya kAmar- 
one who is interested in mere soul enjoyment alone. ¡V i.e. jIvAthma 
sAtshAtkAram- remember the recent discussion ¡V post by Sri Anand 

Oh folks! Those of you, who have a mind to join our kaimkaryam and sing 
"namO nArAyaNAya" with devotion, (nama= not me; not mine. i.e. without 
ahankAra, mamakAram. nArAyaNAya: I and mine for Sriman Narayanan alone and 
None else. Never). Come and join us, giving up the desire for everything 
else before the sUkshuma sarIram being put into moola prkrithi, so that the 
fruits other than getting the One which is above the Kaivalyam are not 
sought after and the desires are destroyed (varambu ozhiya). Come quick 
(ollai vandhu). Koodumin- join.
Chant loud "Namo Narayanaya" so that everyone in the world (nAdum nagaramum) 
get to know.  Sing PallAndu (eternal life) to the Lord Sriya: Pathi Sriman 

Here yEdu nilam- PiLLai amudhanaar said this is pollA nilam _meaning the 
Earth; Before the body is laid into the graveyard, come and join us. 
Whereas, vyAkhyAna chakravartthy Sri Periya vaachhan Pillai says ¡§sookshuma 
sarIram is placed in Moola Prakarithi.¡¨ Yedu ¡V is the cheese from milk 
(which is not seen but is inside. Hence- sUkshumam.
Thus, the meaning is: When you are given the Kaivalyam with sUkshuma 
sarIram, you will not have the sthUla sarIram (Body like what we have) to 
serve and have Bhagavath anubhavam and enjoy the same. After the kaivalya 
anubhavam is completed (i.e, until dissolution, praLayam, they will be in 
that enjoyment of jIvAThma sAtshAtkAram and then the sUkshuma sarIram is put 
into moola prakrithi), then when you get next sthUla sarIram in next kalpam, 
you may also not have the desire for material wealth and get this sarIram 
again. Because, you get this kaivalyam because of your virakthi on these 
sensual pleasures which are transitory. That time, you will join us to have 
Bhagavath anubhavam to reach higher. Why to waste time so long? First 
kaivalyam and then exhaust that and come back. Now itself, before the yEdu 
is put into moola praktithi, come and join us ¡V is Sri PVP is excellent 
anubhavam and commentary.

There is also another view that during Kaivalyam, theymay not have any 
sarIram, in which case, the commentary is still easier; Since you will not 
have sarIram till next kalpam, right now join us.
Also the varambu ozhi is very interesting. When you all join us, there is 
not limit for the fruits for your anubhavam, Oh those who are interested in 
Kaivalyam (jivAthma anubhavam)! You will also get that jIvAthma anubhavam 
even when you have the mOkshAnubhavam simultaneously. You will get to know 
the jnAna, Anandha, SwarUpa guNaN, aNu, dhEhAdhi vilakshaNan [jIvan] in its 
entirety and its eternal servitude naturally to the Lord. Whereas if you do 
not join us, you will have only Kaivalyam. Which is better?

5. aNdak-kulaththukk adhi-pathiyaagi, asurariraak-kadarai,
iNdaik-kulaththai-eduththuk-kaLaindha, irudee kEsan-thanakku,
thoNdak-kulaththiluLLeer! vandhadi-thozhudu, aayira n^aamam solli,
paNdaik-kulaththaith-thavirndhu, paLLaaNdu pal-laayirath-thaaNdu-enminE.

[AzhwAr first (in 3rd pAsuram) calls the ParamikAnthis. Then kaivalyA 
kAmars. Now he calls for the asihwarya kAmars- one who is after material 

Oh folks! Those of you, who (want to join and) belong to the group of 
eternal servants (Srivaishnava  kulam- thoNdar kulam) that serves at all 
times the Lord Sriman Narayanan- HrishIkEsan- the ruler of the Universe and 
all worlds; the One who destroyed and uprooted the entire asurA clan! Come, 
Prostrate at His Lotus Feet now (when He is here in our front, by joining 
this thoNdar kulam ) and utter His thousands of Divine Names (and KalyANa 
guNAs), discarding the past life (which is sinful, running amuck after 
material wealth and sensual pleasures).
Aishwarya kAmar- two types. One: Those who want the wealth first time. Two: 
Those who want the lost wealth back. Those who want some material benefit in 
this Universe, call Him as ¡§Oh Lord of the Universe! aNdakkulatthukku 
athipathi! And those who want lost wealth, call Him as ¡§Oh Lord! Who 
destroys asurAs! Meaning: Destroy them now and get me back my lost wealthļ  
He is HrishIkEsan and hence, grants what they ask for in order to let their 
sense enjoy what they want. Thus AzhwAr says: Do not utter one or two names 
and get this transitory fleeting pleasures and wealth. Come and utter His 
thousand names without asking anything. Uttering them (the names) itself is 
sweet and fruits. INdaikulatthai kaLaindhu- Unlike the varambu ozhi- the 
Kaivalya anubhavam simultaneously being possible in mOkshAnubhavam, the 
aishwaryA kAmam will never be there during Bhagavath anubhavam. Thus, 
discard those desires.

In this PAsuram, Sri UttamUr Swamy writes: The four chapters of saareeraka 
saashtram (Brahmma sUthram) is reflected beautifully in four lines. How?

First line: First chapter : Sarva kAraNan- Sarva sEshi (Cause and Master of 
all) ¡V Sarva Swamy (lord of all) ¡V aNdak kulatthukku athipathi.

Second line: Second chapter: Paramatha nirasanam- the religions of 
kuthrushti, bAhya mathams are referred by asurarirAkkathar. (The fourth 
pAdham where senses are talked about is reflected by HrishIkEsan )

Third line: Third chapter: With complete detachment (vairAgyam), nAma 
sangIrthanam, and performing sathkarma anushtAnams is referred by Ayiram 
nAmam solli, vandhu adi thozhudhu.

Fourth line: Fourth chapter: Singing pallANdu, PallNdu with casting aside 
the past lives- Leaving this mortal coils, and entering into archirAdhi 
mArgam and getting into Sri VaikuNtam, singing mangaLAsAsanam for the Lord 
there for ever.
What a beautiful anubhavam of AzhwAr and of our AchAryAs!
Rest in next post.
PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadgaLE SaraNam
Namo Narayana

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