Re: 'Akshara' etc. in the BhG

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Apr 12 2002 - 23:38:58 PDT

Dear Suresh,

Thank you for your comments. If I understand them correctly, you object to
the interpretation of prakriti-samsrishta ('united with [material] nature')
as 'embodied'. In this you may of course be correct -- the expression is
not absolutely unambiguous -- but I would direct your attention to
Ramanuja's gloss on BhG 15.16, where he uses a very similar phrase:
samsrishta*-sarva-bhutani 'all creatures, denoted by the term jiva [and]
united with insentient [matter], the nature of which is to perish, from
Brahma to a clump of grass'. Here 'embodied' seems to translate acit- (or
prakriti-) samsrishta very well. There is also some justification for this
interpretation in 3.8 (text as well as commentary), where inactivity --
associated with jnanayoga -- is said to be incompatible with the
maintenance of the body.

Robert Lester, in his 'Ramanuja on the Yoga', has also understood the word
in the same sense.

Ramanuja Dasa,

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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