"eisegesis" == "upapatti" and "exegesis" == "anupapatti" ?

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 10 2002 - 21:50:27 PDT

Just curious -

I have heard of sanskRt terms, "upa-patti" and "an-upa-patti".

Do "eisegesis" and "exegesis" described in the post below, possibly go
by "upa-patti" and "an-upa-patti" in sanskRt respectively ?

Could someone illustrate "eisegesis" and "exegesis" with examples?



--- In bhakti-list@y..., Martin Gansten  wrote:
> [...] 
> One instance of this perspective is the scholarly [hyper]sensitivity
> eisegesis, that is, reading things *into* a text rather than *out of*
> (exegesis). Now, to some degree all theologians (of whatever
> always do this: it is in the nature of a systematic theology. But
> eisegesis is carried beyond a certain point, so that the general
tenor of
> the reading begins to differ significantly from that of the text
itself, I
> cannot help feeling that the text is being violated.
> In general, I find that Ramanuja's eisegesis, particularly of the
> takes the form of exaggeration: overstating a tendency which is
already in
> the text. (For instance: the BhG clearly advocates karmayoga over
> jnanayoga. Ramanuja overstates this case to the point where jnanayoga
> said to be possible only for disincarnate beings!) With some other
> I find that the tendency is often to argue *against* the tenor of the
> with 'ingenious usage of grammar', as pointed out by our Moderator.
> [...]
> Ramanuja Dasa,
> MG

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