Re: JIvAtma SAkshAtkAram as a pre-requisite to ParamAtma SAkshAtkAram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Apr 09 2002 - 11:02:44 PDT

Dear Members,

I had yet another typo in my email from yesterday. I should
not write so hastily. I had written:

> The meditation of the akshara-upAsaka and the jnAni is different
> in the following manner. Both of them have an understanding of
> the nature of the individual self vis-a-vis the ParamAtman, but
> the jnAni's is more advanced. While the akshara-upAsaka meditates
> principally on the jIva having God as its innermost self, the 
> jnAni meditates principally on God having the jIva as His
> attribute. (The first is brahma-SarIraka-jIvAtma upAsana,
> the second is svAtma-viSishTa-brahma upAsana).

The first Sanskrit term I used was incorrect.  The meditation
of the akshara-upAsaka, i.e., one who seeks to experience
the bliss of his own individual self, is known as 
'brahmAtmaka-svAtma upAsana' -- meditation on his own
individual self as having God at its core. This meditation
is more focussed on the attributes of imperishability,
blissfulness, consciousness, etc., which characterize
both the self and God.

aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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