ThiruppallANdu - Part 1
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Tue Apr 09 2002 - 06:07:55 PDT
SrI: SrImathE Ramanujaya namah: Dearest Srivaishnavas, We have so far enjoyed the background of how and why PallAndu was sung: In short, it is kind of similar to also to the servants of the King saying ¡§Jaya vijayee bhava.. ¡§ (Victory to thee, King..). He needs to live long and be victorious ¡V that is the desire of his servants; and that is the way for them to keep surviving too. Even the nithyasUris and mukthAs sing pallANdu for PerumAL at Paramapadham. Why is it required? It is the way of mangaLAsAsanam. ThiruppallANdu is the essence of praNavam enshrined in it so esoterically and beautifully. It requires to be studied at the feet of one¡¦s AchArya or from a scholar (vidwAn) formally. However, let us enjoy the meanings of the same as far as we can; By paying our humblest prANamams to AzhwAr, Acharyas and Divya Dampathi with prayers showering their grace on us to understand the meanings as they want them to be understood (in spite of this seelamillA siRiyOn¡¦s attempt.). Now, we can dare enter. paLLANdu paLLANdu pallAyiratthANdu palakOdi nooRAyiram mallANda thiNthOL maNivaNNA!- un sEvadi sevvi thiruk kAppu. A very famous pAsuram! Known to almost all Srivaishnavas! Oh! ManivaNNa! One who has strong shoulders that killed the wrestlers (chaaNooran, mushtikan, keechakaa, Kamsaa, et al in Krishna Avtaar)! May Your Lotus Feet be protected for very many years! Many thousands of years! Many crores of (millions of), hundreds of thousand years! Here One can make permutations and combinations of pallANDu, with hundreds, thousands and crores of years and it multiplies.. meaning: it shall always be protected for all time to come and even beyond! Also, pallANdu can mean may years in chathurmukha brahma lOkam, dEva lOkam, mAnushya lOkam, etc..says Thirukkudanthai Desikan (as mentioned in Sri UttamUr Swamy¡¦s commentary). pallANdu also mean "long live" as greeting. So, it can also be enjoyed as ¡§greetings to you- which will be on You for very many years to come. AzhwAr being a Garuda incarnate holding the Lotus Feet in his palms (during Garuda vAhanam), is more concerned on the Lotus Feet. Hence, he says... Feet shall be protected. The Lord must have replied: Oh AzhwAr! I am now also on Garudan in front of you. Even during Gajendra mOksham, I rode on Garudan. What is your concern and worry? AzhwAr says: No.. When you went to kill Kamsa, you went walking. That's why I address You as mallANDa thiNthOL maNivaNNA! (you have strong shoulders that can kill wrestlers! May Your feet be protected!). Also sevvi can mean as ¡§Chitthirai naaL (Chithai month- Uthsavam (festival) day for PerumAL on the day of ThiruvONam (which we will see in 3rd pAsuram) for Garuda vAhana PerumAL. So for that day when there is BrahmOthsavam, let that festive day be there for us for many years to come- can also be an enjoyable interpretation. (as is also connected with 3rd pAsuram)- Says Sri UttamUr Swamy. When read in conjunction with second PAsuram, adiyOmOdum ninnOdum, this Uthsavam festival and the enjoyment shall be there for very many years with us- (who are your eternal servants) enjoying Your Darshan performing kaimkaryam, and You- who show Yourself in archA avatar so graciously. ¡V May that Bhagyam (blessings) be on us for pallANdu.. (what a beautiful interpretation and anubhavam!) Also, the palakOdi nooRayiram (the hundred thousands of crores) can also be enjoyed linking with mallANda.. meaning: One who conquers with his throng shoulders, the hundred thousands of enemies! [First AzhwAr sings mangaLAsAsanam for PerumAL mentioning swarUpa, Roopa, GuNAs of PerumAL and now he sings about Him along with His vibhUthi.. ] adiyOmOdum ninnOdum pirivinRi aayiram pallaaNdu vadivaay ninvalamaarbinil vaazhginRa mangaiyum pallaaNdu vadivaar sOthi valatthuRaiyum sudarAzhiyum pallaaNdu padaipOrpukku muzhangum appaancha sanniyamum pallaaNdE. For time immemorial (Ayiram palLANdu), AlarmEl mangai (Lakshmi) having an enjoyable residence in Your right Chest most beautifully; AND we- who are servants (of Yours eternally); AND You- Sarva Swamy ¡V shall live for ever and ever. (here one can see, the second line and first line are read as one sentenceƒº ) . May the most graceful and resplendent, shining Divine ChakrA residing on Your Right (in Your Right Hand) be there for ever; AND the Divine Conch Shell which send fearsome shivers through the armies of enemies live for ever and ever! Here one should enjoy the scene. AzhwAr first sees PerumAL. He is so amazed at the Divinity and the Beauty; He sings pallAndu first for His Lotus Feet. Then, he fully realizing the (eternal servitude) sEshathvam and dAsathvam of the jIvan, grabs the immediate opportunity to keep it stuck. So, I and You should remain like this forever. (That¡¦s why he is PeriyAzhwAr ¡V PeyAzhwAr missed it; NammAzhwAr missed it.) So, when he says ¡§adiyOmOdum ninnOdum piRivinRi Ayiram pallANdu¡¦ he means the eternal servitude and performance of eternal kaimkarya prApthi (ozhivil kaalamellAm udanaay manni..). Thereafter, AzhwAr enjoys the darshan of the Divine PiraaTTi in His Chest. He is stupefied by the Charm of Thiru + maarbhu. Being unable to control, he takes a left side (Right for PerumAL) and there He enjoys the shining, sahasra kOti soorya prakAsa (equal to 1000 suns) Divine ChakrA, the jwAlAmAli.. and he goes back. There seeing the most beautiful pin azhaghu (back of the Lord), he is unable to stay there and withstand its beauty and hence, rushes to come to the Lord¡¦s left. There the blue hued Divine Hand the end of which is red lotus colored, soft fragrant palm in which the crystal clear, milky white Divine Conch Shell. That light blue hue, red lotus and milky white combination has attacked him then and there. He is not able to see the epitome of Beauty at all and fears that his own eyes will now cast evil glances. Oh no! he turns his eyes away and says ¡§andha paancha janyamum pallANdE! That Conch shell also shall live for ever! (one can see ¡§That¡¨ and not this. Because AzhwAr sees somewhere else and shows that in order to avoid the dhrushti. Similar to ThirupPANAzhwAr¡¦s ¡§ap periya vaaya kaNgaL ennai pEdhamai seydhanavE.. (Those large long, well laid out eyes have stupefied me) Let us enjoy other Pasurams ¡V in next post. PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana aDiyEn dAsan _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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