Sri Ramayana Tatthva Deepika - Ba:la Ka:nda (6)
From the Bhakti List Archives
Ramanujamma Mudumbai • Sun Apr 07 2002 - 10:00:08 PDT
Jai Srimannarayana! Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha! Sri Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam! Va:lmi:ki is questioning Na:rada thus: “ Ko:nvasmin sa:mpratha:m lo:ke: gunava:nkascha veeryava:n Dharmajnascha kruthajnascha sathyava:kyo: drudha vrathaha? Cha:rithre:na cha ko:yuktha ssarva bhu:the:shu ko:hithaha. Vidvankaha kassamardhascha kthaschaika priyadarsanaha? Athmavanko: jithakro:dho: dyuthima:nko: z nasu:yakaha Kasyabhibhyathi de:va:scha ja:tharo:shasya samyuge:?” Va:lmi:ki’s question: “At present, on this earth who is a ‘gunavan, a veeryavan and a dharmathma? Who is a ‘sathyavan’(true to his words)? Who has great determination , an exemplary character, and compassion towards all the beings? Who is the scholar of adorable ability? Who is an able one,always pleasant to look at? Who is an a:thmava:n? Who has anger under his control? Who is the radient and the one without jealousy? Who is the one if angers in the battlefield even the devathas are afraid? I am very eager to know about such a person. Please enlighten me.” V:lmi:ki is asking about a man and Na:rada is answering that that man is SriRama only. There is an underlying secret in his question. Val:mi:ki has become a maharshi because of ‘Ramanama’that had cleared his mind of ‘rajas’ and thamas’. He knew that Rama is in this world. By chanting an ordinary man’s name,he knew,he would not attain this state. He must be the Supreme in a human’s form.’A Purushottham’ who is uncomparable to any one in his qualities.He had taken incarnation to establish humanity in this world with the radiance of his attributes. Is Rama that Purushottham? Or else how could that name be so powerful? I should know His story………… With this intention V:lmi:ki is questioning N:rada. He is not enquiring about the ‘para:thpara’. He is asking about the ‘nara’.Rama had moulded the humanity by being a humanbeing and hiding his ‘parathathva’. In SriRamayana the question asked by Va:lmi:ki was about the ‘nara’ and Na:rada’s answer was also about the ‘nara’ only.But the fact that ‘Nara’ is only the ‘Lord’ is evidently hidden.Whoever wishes to lead a life of a perfect humanbeing should know SriRamayana. In this question Valmiki asked about sixteen qualities.They are like sixteen ‘Kala:s’.The moon (chandra)has sixteen phases.So Rama is also called ‘RamaChandra’.We should deduce that outwardly a man’s qualities and inwardly the Lord’s qualities are asked. Now if these qualities are observed from that angle it would be clear to us. Gunava:n: Va:lmi:ki’s first question is ,”Who is the gunava:n?” To be continued... Jaisreemannarayana! Ramanujamma Mudumbai Ramanujadasi _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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