thaniyans (dedicatory verses) on PeriyAzhwAr

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Apr 05 2002 - 04:24:32 PST

SrImathE Ramanujaya namah:
Dearest Srivaishnavas,

Here we enjoy the Thaniyans on PeriyAzhwAr:
1st thaniyan- composed by Sri NAthamuni:

guru mukam anadhIthya prAha vEdhAn- asEshaan
nara pathi pari kluptham sulkam  AdhAthu kAmaha:
svasuram amara vandhyam ranganAthasya sAkshAth
dhvija kula thilakam tham vishNu chittham namaami

The AzhwAr- who is the thilakam of Brahminhood; who is respected and 
worshipped by even Devas; who is the father-in-law of Sri Rangnathan; who 
wished to succeed getting the prize bag of gold coins, arranged by king 
Vallabha devan (narapathi: ) in order to establish the Supremacy of Sriman 
Narayanan as the PARATHVAM in the debate, without any learning formally from 
Acharyan (teacher) – to that AzhwAr, I bow down to and prostrate.

Here abhinava dESika Sri UttamUr Swamy beautifully lists different 
interpretations on this anadhIthyam- (without learning):

1. anadhIthyam means: without learning. Then, why the word Guru is required. 
IsnÂ’t it superfluous? Swaram, Grammaer, niruktham, the meaning of VaidIka 
padhams are all explained by the Guru and that can be learnt only from 
Acharyan. Hence, Gurumukham anadhIthya conveys this crystal clear.

2. gurmukham also can be linked to prAha – giving a different meaning: prAha 
means: explained or taught.. He explained as if he had taught the Vedas as 
guru for some time (few years perhaps..).

3. gurumukham can also be linked alternatively to the assembly of Vedic 
scholars, Selva Nambhi (the minister of the king, who is also knowledgeable 
and who guided the king to get this doubt clarified, thereby Parathvam of 
Lordship can be established). Means: Having them (as Gurus- thus- 
Gurumukham) in the front, he explained the Vedic Truths.

Nice. ArenÂ’tÂ’ they?

Two dedicatory verses by PaaNdiya Bhattar:

Minnaar thadamathiL soozh villiputthoor enRu orukaal
Sonnaar kazhaRkamalam soodinOm –munnaaL
kizhiyaRuththaan enRuraiththOm keezhmaiyiniR chErum
vazhiyaRuththOm nenjamE! Vandhu.

Oh mind! (nenjamE) - you helped me.. Thus, (with your such helpful nature in 
co-operating), we are able to adorn the head with the lotus feet of 
BhagavathAs  who have uttered the name “Srivilliputtur” (which is surrounded 
by glittering tall ramparts like Gold)  even once. When raised doubts in 
King VallabhadevanÂ’s sabham as to who was the Parathavam, it is PeriyAzhwAr 
who cleared their doubts (that made the bag of coins tear and) he won the 
prize. By uttering that GREAT incident (event) alone, and with AzhwAr 
sambandham thus, we are able to get rid of the past wrong path and 
destination, that we were heading to (adhOgati) (which is further births and 

When AzhwAr is there at that Divya Desam, how can there be dharidhram (and 
hence, gem stone laden Golden ramparts).. When there is kizhi ArutthAn (the 
bag tearing..), there will surely by keezhmaiyin sERum vazhi aRutthOm- the 
path that could have led us to wrong destinations (of dEvathAndhara 
sambandham, kShUdhra purushaartham- asking something like a kilo of 
vegetable from a King etc....). With AzhwArÂ’s Paradevatha nirNayam, we are 
able to get rid of that path, be blessed with AzhwAr sambandham and know 
what we want (eternal service) and who only can Grant and also how.

paaNdiyan koNdaada Bhattar piraan vandhaan enRu
eeNdiya sangam eduthu oodha –vENdiya
vEdhangaLOdhi viraindhu kizhiyaRuththaan
paadhangaL yaamudaiya paRRu.

King Vallabhadeva announced the victory of PeriyAzhwAr (Bhattar Piraan) and 
conferred the title Bhatta nAthan. He also decalred for a Huge procession of 
AzhwAr on the Royal elephant. He took the curved Conch Shell and blew in 
honor of the victory and to celebrate the success of PeriyAzhwAr who had 
established in such unambiguous terms, the Parathvam of Sriman Narayanan 
quoting the relevant sections from Vedas at the Sabha. Such Great 
PeriyAzhwArÂ’s Lotus Feet are our refuge.

1. Here, sangamadutthu – means: The conch is placed inside the mouth (for 
blowing) – madutthu.
2. It could also be sangam adutthu- uninterruptedly
3. eeNdiya sangam- (gathered sanga poets- scholars)- In the assembly, when 
the scholars mentioned the Poorva palsham (the arguments against Sriman 
NarayananÂ’s Parathvam)..

(SrI UttamUr Swamy gives such nuances in his great commentary.)
Also Sri UttamU Swamy writes: First, King announced Bhattar Piran vandhAn 
(Here comes Bhattar Piraan), when he just entered the Sabha before even 
stating the Parathva nirNayam. Then, when he won, he celebrated by blowing 
uninterruptedly the conch due to the kingÂ’s happiness.
Let us dive into the nectarine Divine PallANdu in the next post:-)
PeriyAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam
Namo Narayana
aDiyEn dAsan

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