SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 71 - Part 6.
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Narasimhan Krishnamachari • Thu Apr 04 2002 - 21:22:09 PST
SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 71 - brahma~jnah, brAhmaNa-priyah. 674. brahma~njah - The Knower of the inner meaning of the veda-s. om brahma~jnAya namah. SrI BhaTTar distinguishes between this nAma and the earlier nAma brahma-vit (671), as follows: "brahma-vit - anatA vai vedAh; tAn avadhinA vetti iti brahma vit" - veda-s are limitless; He knows the the veda-s to completion or to the ultimate limit, and so He is called brahma-vit. "brahma~jnah - vedAn artha-paryantam sAkshAtkaroti iti brahm~jnah" - He perceives, apprehends, and knows the veda-s inclusive of their significance or meanings, and therefore He is called brahma~jnah. The nirukti author gives the corresponding summary for veda-vit as "yo vedAn antato vetti sa brahma-vit udIritah" - He Who knows the veda-s to their full extent is brahma-vit is called brahma-vit, and for brahma~jnah as "yo vedAn arthato vetti so'yam brahma~jnah Iritah" - He Who knows the veda-s with their true inner meanings is veda~jnah. Based on the above, one can say that in the first nAma, SrI BhaTTar emphasizes the breadth of knowledge of the veda-s, and in the second one the depth of knowledge is indicated. SrI Samkara differentiates the two nAma-s as follows: brahma-vit - vedam vedArtham ca yathAvat vetti iti brahma-vit; brahma vedAn svAtmabhUtAn jAnAti it brahma~jah. Thus, in this case, the first interpretation includes the knowledge of the meanings of the veda-s, and the second one states that He knows the veda-s which are born of Himself. SrI cinmayAnanda comments for the first one as "One who has intuited the veda-s and their full commentaries", and for the second one, "One Who knows the nature of Brahman as no one else can; He being the very Brahman, no one else knows His nature as He Himself can". Other interpreters have used other ways to distinguish between the two nAma-s. SrI kRshNa datta bhaAradvAj uses the meaning "to find, to get", to the word "vid", in the nAma brahma-vit - "brahma vedah; tad vindati matsyAvatAre iti brahma-vit", and uses the meaning "One who knows" for "j~nah" in "brahma~jnah". - brahma SrI vishNor vibhUtih; tad sva vibhUti rUpam jAnAti iti brahma~jnah (brahma refers to all His manifestations; He who knows this brahma in truth is brahm~jnah). The best way to view the interpretation of the two nAma-s seems to be to consider them as complimentary to each other, the two nAma-s together signifying His perfect knowledge of all there is to know of the veda-s, in completion and with the complete understanding of the significance of the veda-s. 675. brAhmaNa-priyah - a) He for Whom the brAhamaNa-s are of special liking. b) He Who is specially liked by the brAhamaNa-s. a) SrI BhaTTar's interpretation is that the brAhamNa-s are extremely dear to Him, and so He is called brAhmaNa-priyah. He gives the example of how bhagavAn treated bRgu maharshi when the latter kicked Him in His vaksha sthalam (chest). SrI BhaTTar quotes several supports: ghnantam Sapantam parusham vadantam yo brAhmaNam na praNayet yathA'hamÂ….." (itihAsa samuccaya 30.100) "Though a brAhmin beats a person, curses him, or utters harsh words to him, one should bow to the brAhmin as I did to bRgu. One who does not respect the brAhmin this way will be consumed by the wild fire of the brAhmin's anger, and he deserves to be killed and punished. He is not Mine". This extreme respect for brAhmins from bhagavAn is because "they are the ones who follow the virtuous conduct of karma yoga as instructed by Me, who are full of faith, and who hold Me as the Highest Deity, and so they are dear to Me" - ye tu dharmyAmRtamidam yathoktam paryupAsate | SraddhAnA mat-paramA bhaktAste atIva me priyAh || (gItA 12.20) "I am victorious over the asura-s because of the blessings of the brAhmins" - vipra prasAdAt asurAn jayAmi (vishNu dharma 52.23). Buried in this vyAkhyAnam is also a summary of how a brAhmaNa should conduct himself, that justifies the great respect that bhagavAn holds for them. SrI rAdhA kRshNa SAstri gives the following explanation: "The brAhmins are very dear to Him because they live for the sole purpose of chanting the veda-s as well as teaching the veda-s. Sinve the veda-s are the Lord Himself, the love of a brAhmin in the veda-s as He chants them transforms into a love to Him; and since the brAhmin gives the place for Him in them in the form of the veda-s, the brAhmin is dear to Him". The dharma cakram writer adds that those who live for Him are brAhmins, and those who live for themselves are the rest. b) SrI Samkara gives the first interpretation as well as the second one - brAhmaNAnAm priyah brAhmaNa-priyah | brAhamNAh priyaA asya iti vA| He also gives the support given under a) from itihAsa samuccayam. c) SrI bala deva vidyA bhUshaN, who gives all his interpretations based on Lord kRshNa's life in this world, gives the example of His pleasing sAndIpani by bringing back his child alive, as the explanation for this nAma. d) SrI cinmayAnanda observes that the term brAhmaNa here refers to the class of people who have the supreme experience-divine, those men of complete realization, and not to the brAhmins by caste. -dAsan kRshNamAcAryan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! 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