RE: My dream is coming true: regarding gita: thanks to SMS Chari

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Apr 03 2002 - 06:12:37 PST

Dear Krishna K and others,

one point I forgot to make.

I dont think, we can take the role of Prabhupada and compare it to other
prior main acharyas.  His role was to spread krishna consciousness to the
west and make sanskrit works such as gita and bhagavata appealing to the
english speaking public. I think, He has definitely achieved what he wanted
to do with 400 temples worldwide, a feat so difficult to match, whatever may
be the orientation of his writings. The chaitanya system having borrowed
from several vaishnava schools, as far as the information for commentaries
are concerned, is clear from the introduction of baladeva vidhya bhusana in
govinda bhasya.

Krishna Kashyap

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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