govindhan gunam paadi en aavi kaaththiruppen- post 21

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Apr 02 2002 - 22:54:52 PST

Post 21

Dear Srivaishnava perunthagaiyeer,

At the outset I want to make it clear about 2 points.
1.	The reference numbers of the naamaas I give, here, are based on the
number, as given, in Sri Paraasara bhattar's commentary book. If some of the
readers are referring Swami Chinmayananda's book or Sri Sankara bhaashyam
published by Sri Ramakrishna mutt or Sri kaanchee mutt, these numbers will
vary by 2 or three or some time more also. So, pardon me for the variations.
2.	Since only 2 or 3 naamaas are covered in each post to restrict the
post to readable lengths, you make think, I will take another 15 posts to
cover all the naamaas. The taste of enjoying these naamaas is really great
and hence this elongation. When you all feel this topic is being over
stretched, you can write a private mail and I will cover in one or two mails
and conclude the series. Further since Sri krishnamacharya swamy also covers
SVSN so excellently, you may feel why I should repeat. In such a case you
can feel free to ask me conclude fast.

In the previous posts we saw the naaga pathnees and kaaLiyan praise my lord
sri krishna with beautiful naamaas. 

Continuing the next naama is "Om gnaana vignaana niDhayE nama:"
Meaning- the owner or treasure house of all sacred and general all
encompassing knowledge.
Gnaanam is knowledge of god, vEdhaas, saasthraas etc
Vignaanam is knowledge on wordly matters.
Krishna is the repository of both.

NiDhi: is expanded as "nidheeyathE asmin ithi niDhi:" - that in which
precious things are stored or preserved is niDhi:
Krishna is the source from where all knowledge in the world emanates.
Though in his sthOthram of 1000 naamaas a similar naamaa is not found, a
slOkam is there which reads and gives a meaning as follows
yOgO gnaanam thathaa saankhyam viDhyaa: silpaaDhi karmacha: |
vEdhaa: saasthraaNi vignaanam Ethath sarvam janaardhanaath ||
Slokam 19 palaruthi slokams in SVSN

Meaning: it is from lord janaardhana that all the knowledge of yOga saankhya
and other branches of knowledge such as arts, sculpture, works, scriptures
etc have sprung.

Saankyaa means relating to number. A branch of philosophy put forth by sage
khapila is also known as saankya [discriminatory or rational philoshophy]
krishna is the source or spring or treasure house from which all knowledge
emanate - so he is gnaana vignaana niDhi:. 

Perhaps these ladies have foretold what the lord krishna is going to give
later to the world, in the arena, the fierce battle field, that great
srimadh bhagavadh geethaa, the great yOga saasthram or saraNgaathy

Only a complete and wholesome niDhi: can give such a niDhi: as geethaa.

If you consider this one naamaa as three components as 
Om gnaanaaya nama: 
Om vignaanaaya nama: 
Om nidhayE nama: 
you have  some beautiful naamaas in SVSN. Just for the taste we will have it
om mahaa niDhayE nama: 812th naamaa
om niDhayE avyayaaya nama: 30th naamaa
om sree niDhayaE nama: 615th naamaa

the 812th naamaa - mahaathmaanO niDhiriva priyaa yasya mahaaniDhi: For the
lord mahaathmaas- great souls, are themselves a great treasure. He cherishes
them as his wealth. 

Oh bhakthaas we are his wealth. Krishna, you are the big treasure house, the
great abode - for we, all souls, are yours. 

You may get a doubt "Whether such a treaure is exhaustible in that house? or
the treasure house itself will vanish over a period of time?" 

The answer is a very firm NO. That is clear from the 30th naama- Om niDhayE
avyayaaya- meaning- "The inexhaustible treasure". never there is going a
vacuum in this treasure house, so avyayaaya nidhi.

615th naamaa - sree nidhayE nama: the sree - lakshmi is seated in the lord
like a gem studded jewel in the casket. So he is sree nidhi:

for gnaanam and vignaanam there is no direct reference but an indirect one- 
om sarvagnaaya nama: 454th , 821st naama of SVSN  
om gnaanam uththamaaya nama: 455th naama in SVSN
om gnaana gamyaaya nama; 499th naama in SVSN

454- the omniscient in all respects. The knower of his own self. There is
nothing in the universe that he does not know.
455 - he is the greatest of all knowledge.
499 - he who is by knowledge
So nothing, wealth, knowledge or for that matter any thing is away from him
or without him.

Just realise how these wives of kaaliyan the snake, are able to comprehend
the lord and pour out such a sweet sthuthi of himself. Great is krishna and
great is his bhakthaas, who are able to give such sthuthis. Otherwise we
will not be able to understand his glory.

The next naama is "om brahmanE nama:" this is 669th in SVSN. The supreme
brahma is paramaathmaa, krishna. Sathyam gnaanam anatham brahma says
thaiththireeya upanishad- II -1 existence knowledge infinite - is he,
brahma. Brahma also mean prajaapathi- the creator, who is 4 headed and
seated in lotus emanating from the naval of the padhmanaaBhan.

The next naama is om anantha sakthayE nama: - limitlessly powered or
limitlessly energised. 

No direct reference in SVSN. Only om ananthaaya nama: is in SVSN. This om
ananthaaya nama: is the second nama we use so frequently while doing

So these ladies use this exclusive naamaa. Also an indirect address is also
made that hey lord, you are the source of energy to ananthan the king of
snakes, we are also doing this eulogy to you to get back our husband another
snake, so be pleased with us. 

Let us continue further krishna sthuthi in next post.


Vasudevan  m.g.

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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