satya / सत्य: / truth

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Satya, literally truth, refers to the unconditioned reality inherent in Brahman. It is that which is unchanging and always existent, independent of any other entity for its existence and validity.

This attribute is a defining attribute (svarupa-lakshana) of Brahman, distinguishing it from all else. Brahman is unconditional truth, whereas everything else is relative truth, fundamentally dependent upon Brahman for their very reality and existence.

Ramanuja emphasizes that Brahman is not limited by a particular state of being, but rather embodies truth and reality itself:

  • “The term ‘satya’ describes Brahman as one possessing nirupādhika sattā, unconditioned existence.” (Sribhashya 1.1.2). (“सत्यपदं निरूपाधिकसत्तायोगि ब्रह्माऽह” - satyapadaṃ nirupādhikasattāyogi brahma-āha)

Defining Attributes of Brahman