Sri Rangapriya Swami on Lord Krishna
A personal account of Sri Swami's explanation of Lord Krishna's descent
• September 2, 2005
Last Saturday, Swamiji spoke in the context of Krishna Jayanthi and Janmastami.

It is believed that the Lord's advent can be celebrated on the day adorned by the astami thithi or the rohini star. Both are equally auspicious. Swamiji said that while we perform the final Arathi on this occasion, the following two slokas from Srimad Bhagavatham are to be recited --
devakyÄṃ devarÅ«piṇyÄṃ viṣṇuḥ sarvaguhÄÅ›ayaḥ
ÄvirÄsÄ«d yathÄ prÄcyÄṃ diÅ›i induḥ iva puá¹£kalaḥ.
(The verse that actually describes the advent)
rÅ«paṃ yat tath prÄhuḥ avyaktam Ädyaá¹
brahma jyotirnirguṇaṃ nirvikÄram
sattÄmÄtraá¹ nirviÅ›eá¹£aṃ nirÄ«ham
sa tvaṃ sÄká¹£Ät viṣṇuḥ adhyÄtma-dÄ«paḥ.
are to be recited. (Spoken by devaki praising the lord's virtues)
(For translation of these verses, see here)
And while reciting these verses the meaning of the word "Krishna" should be deeply meditated upon. Krishna commonly means one who is of a dark complexion. But in this context Krishna means one who attracts all jivas onto Himself. The other meaning of Krishna can be got by splitting the word into two halves "Kr" and "Shna" which collectively means "satchidananda" or pure bliss, one who is ananda swaroopa.
If one asks Why is Krshna so attractive? he or she should rather ponder upon what is it in krishna that doesnt attract anyone. To begin with He has the most charming personality. He adorns the fragrant Tulsi garland that overwhelms one's senses. With His bewitching pitambara He fills the eyes with His beautiful form bent in three places. He is the most renowned flute player that the universe has ever known. He fills the ears with soul filling music arising from His Venu.
To top it all, HE adorns a peacock feather which can be perhaps said to be unique only to krishna and no other god. It is not that the lord is not capable of wearing anything more grand as a crown. The simple peacock feather hints at the tattvas hidden in the upanishads. The feather is comprised of so many different colors which is what makes it visually attractive. This aspect of the feather signifies maya which succeeds in pulling one down to the level of the prakriti from the realm of pure bliss. This powerful Maya is however nothing but an ornament to the lord. He is in full command of it and controls it. Further the feather contains three orbs that symbolize the three mandalas known to the Yogis who contemplate on the Lord.
The central piece in the peacock feather resembles the pranava akaara which hints that Krishna is the same lord that Vedas glorify as Paramatma. The feather thus forms a very pure symbol signifying the various aspects of the lord. So pure that the breeze that comes aloft the feather succeeds in purifying one removing all his/her sins.
This auspicious day should be spent in silence contemplating on His form and leelas without indulging in mundane activities.
Srimathe Rangapriya Mahadeshikaya nama: