Vegasetu Stotram

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The name Vegaa-setu meaning a dam across the river Vegaa (Vegavati) for the Perumal (Lord) indicates the part He played in protecting the Aswamedhayaga performed by Brahma to visualise the Lord, by protecting that yaga from being washed away by the irate Saraswati who desired to wreck that yaga by taking the form of a river in spate. This is to be found in the Sthalapurana.

The Lord, however, attained greater fame and name by packing up His Adisesha couch and following Tirumazhisai Alvar at his behest and later re-spreading that Adisesha couch and lying on it once again (now pillowing His head on the left hand instead of on the right). For this fine gesture, inconsistent with the state of arca, this Lord is popularly known as Yathoktakari or, as Desika has put it, भगवद्भक्ति-मतां यथोक्तकारि / bhagavadbhakti-matāṁ yathoktakāri (5) -- one who acts as dictated to by His Devotees.

Slokas 2 to 4 and 7 refer to the Lord's puranic greatness as Vegasetu. Slokas 5 and 7 refer to both aspects. 6 and 8 deal with His subservience to His devotees.

वक्ता, श्रोता, वचन-विशयः, प्रीयतां वेङ्कटेशः