Kamasika Ashtakam

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This stotra is in praise of the Lord whom Tirumangai Alvar has referred to as Velukkai-aalari, the Narasimha of Velukkai. Peyalvar had already given that name to the kshetra. Velukkai is the colloquial form of Velirukkai (in Tamil). Vedanta Desika literally translates it as Kamaasika (Kama is the god of love, Cupid; aasika -- in his sitting posture). The description of Lord Narasimha in slokas 2, 3, 6 and 7 and of His posture in slokas 4 and 5 is highly enjoyable.

वक्ता, श्रोता, वचन-विशयः, प्रीयतां वेङ्कटेशः