SwAmi's Anguish- Posting - 6 (1.18 to 1.19) (Concluded)
From the Bhakti List Archives
• September 25, 1999
SWAMI VEDANTA DESIKA'S "NAICHYANUSANTHANAM" AND "SATVIKA THYAGAM " (As gleaned from his StOtras) ============================================================= PART I : SWAMI EXPRESSES HIS ANGUISH - SwAmi's Anguish- Posting - 6 (1.18 to 1.19) (Concluded) (Anbil Ramaswamy) ============================================================= IMPORTANT NOTE [As already mentioned in the Introduction, the NaichyAnusanthAnam is applicable to us only and NOT to Swami Desika, we have to substitute ourselves wherever Swami Desika extrapolates these to himself] ============================================================= 1.18. "Is it an AparAdha to sing about you?" Yasya anubhAvam adhiganthum asaknuvanthah Muhyanthya abhanguradhiYo munisArvabhoumAh / Tasyaiva thE sththishu sAhasamasnuvAnah kshanthavya yEsha bhavathA karisaila nAtha// (Sri VaradarAja PanchAsat SlOkam 2) Meaning "Oh! Lord of the Elephant mountain! When great munis like VyAsa and ParAsara whose knowledge leaves nothing beyond their comprehension find themselves unequal to the task of measuring your supremacy, I have ventured to do this with absolutely no claim for any knowledge. This is not only daring (sAhasa) but also constitutes a great offence (AparAdha) to you. Pray, please pardon me for this act beyond my capacity. Comment: This is the continuation of the sentiment expressed in DayA Sathakam slokam103 mentioned above. 1.19. "I am only a lifeless lute" vEdAnta dEsikapadHE vinivEsya bAlam dEvO dayAsathakam yEtadavAdhayan mAm / vaihArikENa vidhinA samayE gruheetham veeNA visEshamiva vEnkaTa saila nAthah // (DayA Sathakam SlOkam 103) Meaning "Oh! DayA Devi! I am not competent to write this poem of Daya Sathakam on the mercy of Lord TiruvEnkaTamudaiyAn. The entire credit goes to Lord Srinivasa. He always takes pleasure in such sports like making me an instrument conferring on me the great honorific of "VedAntAchAryan". Having conferred this title, it had become his responsibility to justify this. Therefore, it is he who had brought out the Vedic truths through this work attributing its authorship to me. It is he who sang this DayA Sathakam making me his tool. When a veena vidwan plays his veena and raises soul stirring music, pleasing himself and the listeners all credit will go to the artist and not to the instrument. Similarly, all credit for this work belongs to TiruvEnkaTamudaiyAn and not to me who is just a lifeless instrument in his hands. Comment: At last, SwAmi has found an alibi, as it were, by saying that it is the work of Lord VEnkaTAchalapathi like what Nammazhwar said in Tiruvoimozhi PAsuram that it was the Lord who sang Tiruvoimozhi making him an instrument.(ThAnAi thannaip Paadi.... etc) This stanza also brings out the event in which Lord Sri RanganAtha conferred the title of VEdAntAchArya on VEnkaTanAtha. (Part I: "SwAmi's Anguish" Concluded) ============================================================= Part II : "SwAmi Pleads" will follow. =============================================================
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