Correction to my earlier message

From the Bhakti List Archives

• September 1, 1998

                        SrimathE NArAyaNAya namaha

     Dear BhAgavathAs,

     In one of my earlier messages I had referred to a pAsuram from
     ThiruvAimozhi as follows :-

     >   ".. pazhudhil tholpughazhp pAmbaNaippaLLiyAi
     >         thazhuvumARu aRiyEn unathALgaLE"

     and gave the meaning of the last line as " I don't know any other feet
     to surrender". Actually I was wrong. Sri Vijay has pointed out this
     mistake of mine and clarified it as below

     --------------------------Sri Vijay's message-------------------------

    Also  "thazhuvu mARu aRiyEn una thALgaLE" needs to be read as , 'I don't
even know how to hug/surrender at your feet." Because of HIS overwhelming
sowseelyam. "thazhuvum ARu - the way to hug" Had it been "thazhuva maRRu aRiyEn"
it would've meant He doesn't know any other feet to surrender.


     Thanks to Sri Vijay for correcting me. I place my sincere apologies before
     all bhAgavathAs for this glaring mistake.

     adiyEn RAmAnuja dAsan

     Thirumalai Vinjamoor Venkatesh
---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
Date: 8/31/98 6:35PM -0400
To: TV Venkat at USMTNMO2
Subject: Re: Personal request.