From the Bhakti List Archives

• September 4, 1997

Namaste. Dear fellow bhaktas:

	I am new member of the bhakti list. As per the introductory
guidelines, please find some brief sketch of my activities.

	I am a spiritual disciple of SriRanga Sadguru of Ashtanga Yoga
Vijnana Mandiram, Mysore , India. Professionally, I am a Professor of
Mechanical Engineering specializing in Acoustics and Vibration..

	By the grace of Guru and God, I have presented several pravachanas
on various topics such as Bhagavadgita, Vishnusahasranama, Nada yoga,
Sanatana dharma. Some presentations on these topics have been serial for
several weekends. These presentations have been in several places such as
New Jersey, Queens(NY), Albany, Buffalo(NY), Cambridge, Pittsburgh. 

	Several articles on various aspects of Sanatana Dharma have been
written by me for magazines and NAMA newsletters.

	I teach Vedic chanting, Stotram and Hindu philosophy and heritage.

	I have helped organize several conferences related to Sanatana
Dharma through several organizations such as Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
NAMA, Hindu Temples, NASA, Society of Indian Academics.

	I have written and produced plays for Kannada Koota on themes such
as Purandara Dasa, Kanaka dasa, Raghavendra swamy, Socrates, Buddha.

	On the occasion of 50th anniversary of United Nations celebrations
in St. John Cathedral the Divine, I coordinated the Hindu Prayer.

	Currently, I am vice-president of NAMA, Chairperson of
education and a trustee of Hindu temple and cultural society, bridgewater,
New Jersey.

	In reference to the Bhakti list, I have enjoyed working with
several distinguished members namely  Sri. Sadagopan, Sri Murali
Rangaswamy, Sri Keshava Prasad, Smt. Nagu Satyan, Sri Rengarajan,
Sri Vijayaraghavan, Sri Bharadwaj and members of SDDS.

	Sri Krishnaarpanamastu			adiyen dasan