Re: [sv-rituals] Proper time to do Sandhyavandanam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• June 7, 2002

Dear Rohit and other Distinguished Members:

I will share what little I have learned over the years on this subject.

PrAtas SandhyA:  Argya pradhAnam before sunrise,  upasthAnam after sunrise
sAyam SandhyA:  Argya pradhAnam before sunset, upasthAnam after sunset.

I think it agrees with manu smriti.  Could you kindly quote the actual slOkA 
(for all your quotes)

Vijayaraghava dAsan
Buffalo, NY

>From: Rohit Iyer 
>Subject: [sv-rituals] Proper time to do Sandhyavandanam
>Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 10:25:32 -0700 (PDT)
>Hi friends,
>What is the proper time to do the morning and evening
>The Manu smrti says :-
>Let himstand during the morning twilight, muttering
>the Savitri until the Sun appears, but seated in the
>evening until the constellations can be seen
>distinctly. (2.101)
>My understanding of this verse is the morning
>Sandhyavandanam is concluded at sunrise, while the
>evening Sandhya is started at sunset.
>However the link provided below states that :
>Yogayagnavalkya:-   Sandhya   Devi   is   worshipped
>at   sandhya.  It   should   not   be   done   after
>sunset   in   the   evening.   Prathas  sandhya
>should   not   be   done   after   sunrise.   Even
>Brahma,  Vishnu   and   Shiva   worship   sandhya   at
>   the   right   time. Hence, it   follows   that
>brahmins   also   perform   the   sandhyavandhana.
>Samvartha:-   Prathassandhya   should   be
>worshipped   when  stars   are   still   seen   and
>sandhya   is   worshipped   in   the  evening,   when
>  the   sun   is   half   set.
>Can anyone clarify my doubt about the time to do the
>evening Sandhya?
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