mukunda-mAlA - Part 12

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Fri Oct 09 1998 - 17:33:51 PDT

>From SrI V. saDagOpan's writings on the mukunda-mAlA stOtram :



namAmi nArAyaNa-pAda-pankajam 
 karOmi nArAyaNa-pUjanam sadA |
vadAmi nArAyaNa-nAma nirmalam 
 smarAmi nArAyaNa-tattvam avyayam || 35

   SrI kulaSEkhara says that he is engaged in the three-fold worship of
SrIman-nArAyaNa - through manas, vAk, and kAyam. (mind, speech and body)
The AzhvAr says that he worships the Lotus Feet of SrIman-nArAyaNa; he is
performing tiruv-ArAdhanam for Him without any interruption; he is reciting
His blemishless names  and is constantly thinking about His eternal glories.


VERSES 36, 37

SrI-nAtha nArAyaNa vAsudEva SrI-kRshNa 
 bhakta-priya cakra-pANE |
SrI-padmanAbhAcyuta kaiTabhArE
 SrI-rAma padmAksha harE murArE || 36

ananta vaikuNTha mukunda kRshNa 
 gOvinda dAmOdara mAdhavEti |
vaktum samarthO'pi na vakti kaScit 
 ahO janAnAm vyasanAbhimukhyam || 37

   While the AzhvAr is reciting the nAma-nirmalam of SrIman-nArAyaNa, he is
bemused by the unfortunate who do not engage in calling the many names of 
SrIman-nArAyaNa such as SrI-nAtha (husband of lakshmI), vAsudEva, kRshNa,
bhakti-priya, cakra-pANi, padma-nAbha, acyuta, kaiTabhAri, rAma, 
padmAksha (the lotus-eyed), hari, murAri, ananta (the One Who is not
limited by time), vaikuNTha, mukunda, gOvinda, dAmOdara, mAdhava.

The AzhvAr points out that human beings, although capable of reciting the 
wonderful names of SrIman-nArAyaNa, do not make an effort to do so; because,
their minds are filled with pursuit of perishable pleasures of the world, which
eventually result in sorrow only.


dhyAyanti yE vishNum anantam avyayam
 hRt-padma-madhyE satatam vyavasthitam |
samAhitAnAm satatAbhaya-pradam 
 tE yAnti siddhim paramAnca vaishNavIm ||  38

   SrI kulaSEkhara describes the status of the minority who meditate on
SrIman-nArAyaNa. He says that yOgi-s who meditate on SrIman-nArAyaNa with
deep devotion attain the eternal place of vishNu, viz., SrI vaikuNTham.

The AzhvAr points out that those recite the nArAyaNa-gAyatrI,
    " nArAyaNAya vidmahE vAsudEvAya dhImahi |
      tannO vishNu: pracOdayAt || "
are mahA-yOgi-s.

Though the vishNu-gAyatI-mantra-japam which means,
   "May we know nArAyaNAya !,
    For that, may we meditate on vAsudEva! 
    May vishNu impel us towards that knowledge ",
mahA-yOgi-s have the good fortune of seeing Him in their heart lotuses.
There they find Him seated with SrI-dEvI, in abhaya-mudra.  Through such a
fruitful meditation they reach the abode (parama-padam) of SrIman-nArAyaNa,
according to SrI kulaSEkhara.



kshIra-sAgara-taranga-SIkarA''sAra-tArakita cAru-mUrtayE |
bhOgi-bhOga-SayanIya-SAyinE mAdhavAya madhu-vidvishE nama: || 39

   Here the AzhvAr visualizes the parama-pada-nAthan at His other abode - 
the Milky Ocean, as kshIrAbdi-nAthan.  This association of vaikUNTha-nAthan
resting on Adi-SEshan comes to AzhvAr's mind as he is standing before
SrI ranga-nAtha at the bhU-lOka-vaikuNTha-kshEtram. He offers his praNAmam to
that mangala-mUrti reclining on His serpent bed in the following way:
    "madhuvidvishE mAdhavAya nama:"
He offers his salutation to the slayer-of-the-madhu demon, Who is none other
than mAdhavan - the Lord of SrI-dEvI.  AzhvAr visualizes mAdhavan at 
SrI-ranga-kshEtram as the One Who is resting on Adi-SEshan. While He is resting
on Adi-SEshan in the Milky Ocean, sprinkles off milky waves fall on HIS body
and glisten up little stars!  The sight of His beautiful blue-hued body with
drops of milk resembling brilliant white star-specks  thrills the AzhvAr
and he cries out in ecstasy over that beautiful vision.


                      ** SrI kRshNArpaNamastu **