Tamerind : sAthvikam ?

From the Bhakti List Archives

• October 20, 1997

Dear Sri Anand :
I have looked up the entire AhAra Niyamam
of Swami Desikan for you . The only reference 
to PuLI is the section , where our AchArya states 
that food that is excessively sour ( Kodum 
PuLippu ) is to be avoided along with those , 
which are excessively sharp ( hot ) .
The statement is to avoid " mikka kaaramum ,
puLippum ullavai" .
Tamarind is not expressly spelled out 
in the context of the enormous spelling out
of other foods to be avoided .

In moderation . Tamaringd is good for digestion ,
taste and has oxalic acid . My gandfather's brother
got a hole in his alimentary canal however from
excessive use of Tamarind in his preparations . 

Lemon and lime are good substitutes for PuLi ,
but PuLI need not be avoided as long as it is used
in moderation .
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From:	Anand K Karalapakkam, INTERNET:anand@eng2.uconn.edu
TO:	OM, INTERNET:bhakti@lists.best.com
DATE:	10/20/97 2:20 PM

RE:	Tamerind : sAthvikam ?

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From: Anand K Karalapakkam 
Subject: Tamerind : sAthvikam ?
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                                   Sri :
             Srimate Sri Lakshmi - Nrusimha Divya PAdukA Sevaka - 
         Srivan  Sadagopa  Sri NArAyana Yateendra MahAdesikAya Namaha      
                  Srimate NigamAntha MahAdesikAya Namaha 
                  Srimate  Bhagavad   RAmAnujAya  Namaha      
                    Sriyai Namaha ; SridharAya  Namaha

     Dear Bhakti  Group Members ,

     Namo NArAyanA. Kindly accept adiyens pranAmams .

      Adiyen  needs a clarification about Tamerind (puLi).Is it sAthvikam
/ rAjasam ?  Has Swami Desikan mentioned anything about it in 'AhAra
Niyamam" ? 

     Can someone kindly answer this .

   namo nArAyanA

   adiyen  anantha padmanAbha dAsan

                         sarvam sri krishnArpanamastu