RE: Priests-NA
From the Bhakti List Archives
Vidyasankar Sundaresan • Tue Oct 29 1996 - 20:39:39 PST
I think it would be better if priests in NA stick to their respective sampradAyams in the sankalpams etc. After all, in India, the general population attends the pUjA at SrI vaishNava temples, and the priests there do not change their traditions to suit smArta or other sensibilities. For that matter, there is a large section of smArtas whose sankalpam for sandhyA-vandanam has SrIman-nArAyaNa prItyartham instead of SrI parameSvara prItyartham. And it is important to remember that in most Siva and Devi temples in south India, the worship is done according to Saiva Agamas, by Adisaiva priests, not by smArtas. Most of the general temple-going population would not even know if SrIman-nArAyaNa prItyartham is different from SrI parameSvara prItyartham or not. They would continue coming to the temple in either case. The smArta population that would notice such a thing would anyway support the temples, whether dedicated to Siva or to Vishnu. I thought that temples in this country tend to have different sannidhis, with one main sannidhi dedicated to a particular God. Why not follow the respective sampradAyams at each sannidhi? Is there pressure from people on the temple governing committees to change? Regards, S. Vidyasankar
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