Mantra Pushpam -- Part 2
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Oct 16 1996 - 04:10:40 PDT
FOURTH DAY OF NAVARATHRI--1996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Dear Sri Vijay Srinivasan and fellow members of the Prapatthi/Bhakthi group : It gives me great pleasure to attempt a translation of the majestic and marvellous mantras of Mantra Pushpam . The effort to translate this extraordinary conception of the centrality of "Aapaa: " is equivalent to describing the wind-blown fragrance of a divine flower.May this meager attempt be blessed by the Veda Purushan invoked by the Rks of Purusha ,NarayaNa and VishNu Sookthams ! An introduction to Manra Pushpam was covered in the earlier posting ( May 14, 1996 ). Sri Vijay Srinivasan kindlly recovered that for me and forwarded it .For the sake of continuity , I will summarize what I referred to in that posting and add a few more points here to serve as a prelude to the observations onnthe individual rks of Mantra Pushpam .. INTRODUCTION * * * * * * * * * * * * The mantras of Mantra Pushpam are part of the Surya Namaskara Prasnam (SNP) of the Taittiriya Aaranyakam . There are 32 anuvaakaas (sections ) in Surya Namaskara Prasnam. The eighth anuvaakam is a prelude to the concepts enshrined in the text of Mantra Pushpam that we find as the twenty second anuvaakam of SNP . The twenty ninth anuvaakam of Maha NarayanOpanishad of KrishNa Yajur Vedam is another excellent reference to the subject matter of Mantra Pushpam . The anuvaakams preceding the eighth of SNP deal with the measures of TIME . The eighth anuvaakam starts off by staing that all of the units of TIME enter in to WATER , which in turn enters into AGNI , which ultimately merges with the energy of Surya Murthy at whose center is Sriman Narayana . The eight forms of Agni merging as one with Surya Murthy is also covered in this anuvaakam . The 22nd anuvaakam celebrated in Bhagavad AarAdhanam daily deals with WATER as the most fundamental of " ELEMENTS ". The relationship between WATER and MOON , AGNI , SURYA , VAYU , STARS and TIME are described and celebrated here . The Mantra Drishtaa visulaizes the entire world as floating in the immensity of WATER . The Mantra Pushpa Rks are linked with the most sacred AruNa Kehukam rites . There are 12 panchasats ( individual mantrAs) in this anuvAkam . Mahaa NaarayaNOpanishad : Twenty Ninth Anuvaakam * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The above anuvaakam summarizes the thoughts that are elaborated in the Mantra Pushpam . Hence we will study this anuvaakam first . The text of the AnuvAkam is as follows : aapOHO vaa idhagum sarvam viswaa bhuthaanyApa: prANaa vaa aapa: pasava aapOannamApOamrutamApa ; samradApO viradApa: svarAdApaschandhAgum syApO jyothigumshApO yajugumshyApa: satyamApa: sarvA devathA aapO bhur bhuva: suvarApa Om II Swami Vimalanndha's excellent translation following that of SayanA and BhattabhAskara is provided below : " VERILY ALL THIS IS WATER . ALL THE CREATED BEINGS ARE WATER .THE VITAL BREATHS IN THE BODY ARE WATER. QUADRUPEDS ARE WATER. EDIBLE CROPS ARE WATER . AMBROSIA IS WATER. SAMRAAT IS WATER . VIRAAT IS WATER. SVARAAT IS WATER . THE METRES ARE WATER. THE LUMINARIES ARE WATER. VEDIC FORMULAS ARE WATER. TRUTH IS WATER . ALL DEITIES ARE WATER . THE THREE WORLDS DENOTED BY BHUH : BHUVAHA: AND SUVAHA : ARE WATER. THE SOURCE OF ALL THESE IS THE SUPREME DENOTED BY THE SYLLABLE OM ." Swami Vimalanda points out here that the Para Brahman is eulogized as WATER ( aapa: ).His resplendent and multifaceted effulgence is referred to in this rk as Samraat( perpetually shining ) , Viraat ( manifoldly shining ) and Svaraat ( self-luminous) according to Bhattabhaskara . Sayana intreprets Saamrat as " SuthrAtmA HiraNyagarbha:" . Viraat as the "BrahmANda dEha Purusha :" visualized by the Purusha Sooktham . . Svaraat is intreprepreted by Sayana as " avyAkruthAbhimAni Iswara: ". Sayana concludes with a reference to the revelatory statement of this rk as " apAm mula KaaraNam PraNava Prathipadhyam Brahmaiva " . The source of all these (described in this rk such as vital breaths, the three worlds et al ) is the Supreme , denoted by the syllable OM . This then is an apt introduction to the thoughts elaborated in the Mantra Pushpam rks. Sequel to Mantra Pushpam: the 7th anuvAkam of SNP * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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