reminiscing navaratri
From the Bhakti List Archives
sriram ramanujam • Wed Oct 09 1996 - 21:19:16 PDT
Thought it might not hurt to add some of my recollections and references on Navaratri. This festival happens to start on the first day of sharadrutu or fall that is Ashvayuja shukla pratipada to the navami. It is also believed that Narayana and the other gods are supposed to be asleep for a period of four months spanning from AshADa to Krittika. It is probably linked to the rainy season spread over these hindu months which gave little scope for the movement and activity and that Surya bhagawan gave very little light to the aryans in the northern latitudes. This probably is one reason that people generally do not perform marriages particularly during Ashada. The whole idea seems to be oriented towards worshipping of various forms of Thayar as the Shakti swaroopa of the Lord rather than disturbing him from his slumber. Usually the whole 'bommai kolu' kicks of with the keeping of the Kalasa with water containing sandal paste (probably to supress the possible bad odor after the nine days?), the 'darba' grass and leaves of five trees like Mango etc. and clay from seven places (don't really know where the number came from). Let me just be silly and try suggesting this - could it be possibly be true that after the rainy season with a lot of clay around the erstwhile artisans tried their hand at recreating the images of our gods and godesses and went on to depict all of Narayanas creation in their clay images which we display. The whole of the nine days seem to be all about praying for 'shakti' personified as a feminine gender in the form of 'Saraswati' in the south and Durga in the west. South indians sure do have a photo of Saraswati too and typically worshipped on the saptami or astami day if my memory serves me right. As Mr.Sadagopan had written various sects do indulge in recitation of various Devi oriented stotrams but it is a vogue among Vaishnavas to read the whole of Ramayana by the khandams each of the 9-10 days with a lot of 'madi'. Is'nt it interesting that we set aside a day to worship and respect even inanimate instruments and implements that have been useful to us during the year on Ayudha puja day which typically is on the navami. Finally on the Vijayadashami it is said that Rama killed Ravana but on all the previous nine days that he is supposed to have fought, he is said to have gone to the battle field after praying to his inner shakti and his steadfast resolve to get back his beloved Sita devi. But on the final day he is believed to have worshipped the tree 'ShamIvriksha' and did indeed attain victory. Hence the Shami tree is actually a symbol of victory in undertakings. I remember all the years I grew up in Bangalore, we would go to the Andal Rangamannar temple there when on Vijayadashami day after the 'veedhi parappad' of the lord, some small branches of the shamivriksha tree would be tied up to the coconut tree in the Andavan Ashram there and the bhattar would take his aim with the bow and arrow. Later the shami leaves would be distributed which we would hold onto in various places where some good luck was needed. Most often it ended up between school text books. Dasan -sriram
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