Navarathri Kolu /Professor Vasudhaa Narayan's question
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Mon Oct 07 1996 - 14:17:00 PDT
Dear Members of the Prapatthi group : Here are some comments on the tradition of Kolu during the Navarathri days concluding with Vijaya Dasami : 1. The south Indian ladies and particularly in TamiL Naadu have this ancient tradition of displaying family treasures of Bommais ( painted earthern ware ) of the Gods, Goddesses and a host of other figures representing the life around ( animals, Chettiyaar , Birds , politicians , spirtiual figures et al) . They take it out of the boxes , where they were stored safely during the rest of the year. Men are needed only to unpack and to set up the steps , where the Bommais are displayed . Afterwards , the Ladies of the house and particularly young girls take over. 2. The bommais are made in two towns in south. Every year the bommai makers anticipate new trends and introduce contemproary figures . One town is PaNNurutti and the other is Bhuvana Giri . The first town is midway between Madras and Kumbakonam. Bhuvana Giri with the suffix of Giri symbolizing Sanyasi is few miles from Chidambharam. Sri Raghavendra Swamigal was born in Bhuvana Giri and became a great Madhva Achaarya . 3. In the highest step , The statues (Bommais ) of Gods and Goddesses are displayed. At the bottom most step are Bommais related to the creations of the Lord such as Birds, animals et al are displayed. Homage paid to the entire creations of the Lord and His consort. In the smaartha tradition, Vinaayaka Bommai is the first one to be placed on the Kolu. 4. On the Navarathri days , Unmaaried girls and Sumangalis visit the houses of the village . The resident of the house offers them ManjaL (turmeric ) , Kumkumam and BhakshaNam . The visitors are invited to sing before the Kolu. Three days of Navaraathri are dedicated to Durgaa, three days to Lakshmi and the final three days to Saraswathi . In the Vedic way , one can unite them as Veda Maathaa revered as ILaa , Bharathi and Saraswathi . Some men folk abandon their houses , especially when poor singers insist on readily accepting the invitation to sing and return home after the vambhu Vichaaram at the Vaykkankarai . Usually , the activities subside by Nine p.m . It is a wonderful social occasion for the unmarried boys and girls to see each other in a safe and festival type of setting . 5.Kalasa Aavahanam and the consecration of the Goddess is done by devout . Lalitha Sahasra Naamam or Maha Lakshmi sahasra Naamam is recited every day. Gold and other coins are put inside the Pot of consecrated water. It is like Udaga Saanthi. At the end of the Nine days , the consecrated water is used for ProkshaNam of the younger ones and the Abhisheakm of the eldest Sumangali. 6. On the Vijaya dasami day , the aiming of arrows is intended to symbolize the Gods showering powerful arrows to destroy our accumulated sins and misdeeds . Thus the Kolu during Navaraathri for 9 days after the Maalaya Paksha Amavaasyai has many social and spiritual significances . This year , Navarathri commences on Sunday, October 13 . Saraswathi Aavaahanam is on October 18 , which also happens to be the birth day of MaNavaaLa MaamunigaL. Next day is Durghaashtami . Saraswathi Pujaa is on Oct 20 (SravaNam day ). Vijaya Dasami is on October 21, which is also the birthday of Poygai Azhwaar ; the birth days of Bhootham and Pey Azhwaars follow right after (October 22 and 23 ). Ekadasi falls on October 23 as well .It is wonderful reflect on the glorious three hundred verses of these three Azhwaars just after Navaraathri celebration on the Eakadasi day .. V.Sadagopan
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