Re: Sridharan's question

From the Bhakti List Archives

• October 6, 1995

Here is what Ramanujacharya has to say about action in inaction and
inaction in action as translated from Sanskrit by Swami Adidevanada.
"Here by the term 'non-action', the knowledge of the self, which is
distinct from action and which forms the subject under consideration, is
meant.  'He who sees non-action in action and also action in non-action,'
denotes him who can perceive knowledge of the selfeven while action is
being performed and who can also perceive action while engaged in
non-action i.e. knowledge of the self.  What is the import of this saying?
 What is taught here is this: One can perceive, by constant contemplation
on the truth about the self, that the action that is being performed in
itself is a form of knowledge.  One can also perceive that this knowledge
is also of the form of Karma because of its being contained in Karma Yoga.
 Both these (i.e action if the form of knowledge and knowledge in the form
of actions) areaccomplished by contemplation on the true nature of the
self, even while work is being performed.  Thus, he who can see actions as
included in contemplation on the reality of the self, is wise, i.e., he
knows the full meaning of the Sastras; he is fit among men (to attain
release).  He alone has fulfilled all actions, or carried out the entire
purpose of the Sastras. [The purport is that no contradiction between
knowledge and action is felt by one who knows the philosophy of the self.!
