sree vishnu sahasra naamaavali - post 11
From the Bhakti List Archives
M.G.Vasudevan • Mon Oct 28 2002 - 23:20:15 PST
Post 11 Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer, In this post we will see naamaas of sree Vishnu sahasra naamam having the common thread of "eeswarathvam" the controlling or lording over other gods also called as dhEvaas. We will also see naamaas the straight dhEva naamaa also included in this post since this naamaa also means lord or god. eeshtE ithi eeswara: - since rules over others he is the supreme ruler. 1. Om praDhaana purusha eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 20 occurring in slOkam 3 meaning: lord of primordial matter, and purushaas - jeevaas. 2. Om eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no.36 occurring in slOkam 4 also naamaa no. 75 occurring in slOkam 9 meaning: for 36 - the supreme ruler for 75 - the ruler - omni potent 3. Om sarva eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no.97 occurring in slOkam 11 meaning: he who reaches all - the supreme controller- all mighty and all powerfull. 4. Om sura eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 287 occurring in slOkam 31 meaning: lord of all gods. 5. Om jana eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 342 occurring in slOkam 37 meaning: lord of the people - janana Dharmavaan jana: janaanaam eeswara: janEswara: - all those who are born are jana or people - people's lord is janEswara: 6. Om parama eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 378 occurring in slOkam 41 meaning: the supreme ruler - one who is omni potent and all glorious. 7. Om Dhana eesvaraaya nama: -- naamaa 475 occurring in slOkam 50 meaning: who confers wealth on his devotees immediately - the lord of wealth. 8. Om Bhootha mahaa eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 490 occurring in slOkam 52 meaning: supreme lord of all beings. 9. Om jyOthi: gaNa eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 625 occurring in slOkam 66 meaning: lord of hosts of ever effulgent deities - lord of luminaries in the cosmos. 10. Om soora jana eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 651 occurring in slOkam 69 meaning: ruler of all the valiant persons, commander of the brave. 11. Om sarva vaak eeswara eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 808 occurring in slOkam 86 meaning: the very lord of the lord of speech - best among all great and eloquent arguers. 12. Om eesaanaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 65 occurring in slOkam 8 meaning: the supreme controller , supreme eeswara -god. 13. Om sura eessaaya nama: -- naamaa no.86 occurring in slOkam 10 meaning: lord and master of all dhEvaas. 14. Om dhEva eesaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 493 occurring in slOkam 52 Meaning: ruler of gods- lord of dhEvaas. 15. Om kuvala eesaaya nama: - naamaa no. 597 occurring in slOkam 63 meaning: the ruler of earth - ruler of jeevaas. [ ku vala eesaaya - ku means earth, kuvala means people living in ku] Monier williams sanskrit dictionary - page 286 col 3 also refers this naama as a name of visNu] 16. Om sree eesaaya nama: -- naamaa 613 occurring in slOkam 65 meaning: the lord of lakshmi- the goddess of wealth. 17. Om an eesaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 632 occurring in slOkam 67 Meaning: one who has none to lord over him [ na vidhyathE asya eesa ithi aneesa: ] Now the naamaas "dhEvaaya nama:" 18. Om vaasu dhEvaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 334 occurring in slOkam 36 Also naamaa no. 700 occurring in slOkam 74 Also naamaa no. 714 occurring in slOkam 76 meaning: for 334 - who pervades the world and plays. For 700 - son of vasudhEva. For 714 - presiding diety of sri vasudhEva manthra. 19. Om aadhi dhEvaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 336 occurring in slOkam 36 Also naamaa no. 491 occurring in slOkam 52 meaning: for 336 - the first diety, prime diety and cause for universe. For 491 - first cause, endowed with effulgence. 20. Om dhEvaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 376 occurring in slOkam 41 meaning: who plays with creations [dheevyathi ithi dhEva: - one who revels or illumines or conquers shines praises plays] 21. Om mahaa dhEvaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 492 occurring in slOkam 52 meaning: the great diety- lord of dhEvaas. 22. Om dhEva bruthE nama: -- naamaa no. 494 occurring in slOkam 52 meaning: one who is supporter of gods. 23. Om kaama dhEvaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 657 occurring in slOkam 70 meaning: lord of love- who grants all desires. Dhasan Vasudevan m.g. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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