Re: Mahakavi Kamban
From the Bhakti List Archives
Malolan Cadambi • Sat Oct 26 2002 - 04:53:54 PDT
> I am sorry, you are misled into believe something for which if > published in the Tamil print media, you would be greatly admonished. > Kindly harbour no such notions about Kamban. Actually, Kamaba Raamayanam and Villiputthurar's Bharatam is highly appreciated in the Sri Vaishnava sampradayam. Here I am quoting HH Srimad Andavan of Poundarikapuram, Sri Gopala Desika Mahadesikar. HH is the seniormost acharyan in the Sri Vaishnava sampradayam and is hailed as "AnusthAna Chakravarthy", "Vamadeva" and "Vasisthar". No doubt that he is one of the senior most authorities on the Sri Sookthis of our sampradayam. HH released a book titled "Ramapiranai Karpom". More details can be found here: It is interesting to note that HH quotes from several works, not only that of Kambars but even from the puranAnooru which is considerd a Shaiva work. Regards, Malolan Cadambi [ puRanAnUru is not considered a Saiva work. In fact, it is not a religious work at all but a secular collection of poems, mostly of various Tamil bards honoring kings. Please see George Hart's and A.K. Ramanuja's monographs for the themes of the ancient Tamil poems. -- Moderator ] -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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