PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 2.10- Kutti KaNNan has made (exhausted) our day
From the Bhakti List Archives
Madhavakkannan V • Fri Oct 25 2002 - 20:03:12 PDT
SrI: SrImathE Ramanujaya namah: Dearest Srivaishnavas, Now the girls complain abour our Kutti:-) aaRRilirundhu viLaiyaaduvOngaLai sERRaaleRindhu vaLaithukilkaikkoNdu kaaRRin_kadiyanaay Odi_akampukku maaRRamumthaaraanaal_inRumuRRum vaLaiththiRampEsaanaal_inRumuRRum. (2) 1. 1. In the banks of the river, [we] were playing (without joining Him) and He came, threw the muddy waters (sERu) on us; He snatched away our play objects (silk cloth, bangles etc..)l; He fled like air and entered into your house [yasOdhA]. He is not uttering a word now in response to our complaint. Because of His vishamam, today is gone for us. Without His uttering any word, our day is finished.. (the day is made..) We did not join Him; felt independent and played as Swanthanthran.. We started playing making small houses with sand, little figures; dressed them with our silk cloth, bangles etc¡K He threw muddy waters at us and when we started cleaning those muds from us, He quickly took all those silk clothes, bangles etc and fled. We asked and pleaded many times before coming to You. He did not even show a sense of recognition; How would He give at all? By mere asking Him back our things itself finish us entirely (exhaust us). ¡V Thus young girls complain to yasodha. muRRum- meaning: finish. It may mean the day is finished with our failing attempts to get the things back.- also we are finished. Also it does not say- we explicitly; it may also be interpreted that our friendship with KaNNan is finished. Your status (in Ayarpadi) is finished with His mischief. People who are with Gokulam- would not stay with you any more. That is finished. Gokulam itself would be finished with such Kutti KaNNanƒº kuNdalamthaazhak kuzhalthaazhan^aaNthaazha eNthisaiyOrum iRainchiththozhudhEththa vaNdamar_poonguzhalaar thukilkaikkoNdu viNthOymaraththaanaal_inRumuRRum vENdavumthaaraanaal_inRumuRRum. 2. [Now slightly older girls of about age ~7 complain] [When we bent to pick up our clothes] with the shining glittering round studs in His long ears; the necklace around His neck, hung so divinely; with such a beauty, all from eight directions assembled, realizing that He is SarvEshwaran, prostrate at His feet praising Him. That time, He took the clothing of ours [who have the fragrant tresses with bees ¡Vresiding flowers] with both of His hands and climbed and sat in the inaccessible branch of a tall tree nearby. With Him ; today is finished for us. Despite our repeated attempts and pleas, He does not give and [today] is finished. It is not proper to take bath in a river without clothes. [or even anywhere]. Hence, kaNNan grabbed the clothing disrobed by the girls. They saw Him picking up; but were mesmerized by His ear studs, necklace, and divine beauty. Not just them.. everyone in all directions (as always). They pleaded [remember ¡§thOzhiyum naanum thozhudhOm]. Had they been alone, they would hhave felt less shy. With others being rpesent, they could not shed their shyness. They were asked to come out of water by KaNNan (pollaDhu..) When they cover themselves with their palms, and when they pleaded offering their praNamams, He said, ¡§without anjali (folded hands) how can there be praNamams? [Swamy Desikan enjoys this scene in His Gopala vimsathy.. vaasOhruthvaa dhinakara suthA sannidhou vallaveenaaam¡K thadampaduthaamaraip poykaikalakki vidampadun^aakaththai vaalpaRRi_eerththu padampadupaindhalai mElezhappaayndhittu udambaiyasaiththaanaal_inRumuRRum uchchiyiln^inRaanaal_inRumuRRum. 3. [Now they complain about the love that arose in them with His awesome deeds of killing asurAs] when kaaliyan was not there, there were large petaled lotus flower in that lake. Now after he resided, no such flowers. Into that lake (poisonous because of Kaaliyan), Kutti KaNNan jumped making the snake come out exhaling fumes.. He caught hold of its tail, and when the snakes various large heads sprung up to kill kaNNan he entered in between its heads and body to finish its life. When those in the bank cried looking at KaNNan¡¦s plight (being scared that he might be killed by the terror snake), Kutti KaNNan made them feel at ease by shaking His body. With such daring deeds of Kutti KaNNan the whole day is finished now (we would keep talking and thinking about it). With His dancing on the poisonous snake¡¦s heads, our day is finished. KaNNan when caught by the snake, was little bit unconscious with the extent of poisnous fumes from the snake. Everyone cried thinking that Kutti KaNNan is not alive. When Balaraman asked Him to show life, He moved His body and then jumped on its heads to dance.. thEnukanaavi sekuththu panangani thaaneRindhitta thadamperundhOLinaal vaanavar_kOnvida vandhamazhaithaduththu aaniraikaaththaanaal_inRumuRRum avaiyuyyakkoNdaanaal_inRumuRRum. 4. He destroyed the dhEnukAsuran and brought down the fruits; He lifted the huge Govardhana mountain to protect the cattle and cowherd group, when Devendhran sent the torrential downpour. With His such grandest act, our day is finished.. He is the Only One qualified to protect us.. and with Him, the day is finished. Everything that KaNNa piraan does, it is to tame the enemies and let the Asrithars (devotees) and enjoy. There are two fruits. The second is what he wants. That is why the first is enacted. uyyakkoNdaan- He saved them. He performed Himself Govindha pattabhishekam and protected the cattle. He had the raajya bhAram. aaychchiyarsEri aLaithayir_paaluNdu pErththavar_kaNdupidikkap pidiyuNdu vEyththadandhOLinaar veNNeykoLmaattaadhu angu aappuNdirundhaanaal_inRumuRRum adiyuNdazhudhaanaal_inRumuRRum. 5. [Such strong shouldered PerumAL is also tamed by the cowherd ladies]. He entered into the houses of the cowherd folks, ate fresh curd, nicely boiled milk to his heart content. [when he attempted to look for butter] caught by the bamboo shouldered cowherd women, He did not escape with his strength. He allowed Himself to be caught. With such sowlabhyam, our day is finished. (or the day is made..) Beaten and crying KaNNan has finished our day. (adadaaaa.. etthaiRam.. ettthiRam?) The curd is like rock and is fresh; the milk is nicely boiled (suNda..). So, he had a day first. aLai thayir may also mean: KaNNan put His hand inside and stirred (aLaiyum thayir). He went to eat (uNdu); But He was caught (piDiyuNdu..) tied.. (AppuNdu) beaten (aDiyuNdu)- enjoys Sri uttamUr swamy. thaLLiththaLirn^adaiyittu iLampiLLaiyaay uLLaththinuLLE avaLaiyuRan^Okki kaLLaththinaalvandha pEychchimulaiyuyir thuLLachchuvaiththaanaal_inRumuRRum thuvakkaRavuNdaanaal_inRumuRRum. 6. As small infant, He looked at the young mother like lady who walks slowly towards Him (in Yasodha like form); he gauged her and her intentions. When placed on her lap and fed with her poisonous breast milk, He sucked her life itself tastily to finish her. With that sambandham of Poothanai is finished completely [In 1.3.11 this was explained in detail- naaLgaLor naalaindhu thingaL aLavilE..] Even the visham (poison) was rasam for Him. SuvaitthAn- says AzhwAr. He enjoyed tasting the same. The sambandham was finished. It may mean: Her sambandham with that body is finished. The sambandham of hers with kamsan is finished. Or the sambandham for other babies due to her presence is finished. Or our sambandham. maavalivELviyil maaNuruvaaychchenRu moovadithaavenRu irandha_immaNNinai Oradiyittu iraNdaamadithannilE thaavadiyittaanaal_inRumuRRum tharaNiyaLandhaanaal_inRumuRRum. 7. During the yaaga of Mahabhali, He went in the guise of a bachelor (as Vaamanan); begged for three measures of His feet. He measured the whole universe in one step. With the in another place.. (other than universe) it is finished. With such Lord measuring the whole Universe with his step, our day is finished (thinking His SarvEshwarathvam; Sarvagnathvam and Sarvasakthathvam). [thaavadi ittaanaal.. and dharaNi aLandhaanaal is a beautiful line] thaazhaithaNNaambal thadamperumpoykaivaay vaazhumudhalai valaippattuvaadhippuN vEzhamthuyar_keda viNNOr_perumaanaay aazhipaNikoNdaanaal_inRumuRRum adhaRku_aruLseydhaanaal_inRumuRRum. 8. with the plants in the bank, the flowers in the lake, there was a crocodile living in. And GajendrAzhwAn elephant¡¦s leg was caught by this crocodile. His sorry was removed completely by Sarva dEvan- the Lord of the NithyasUris-by getting the kaimkaryam performed by ChakratthAzhwAn. Thus, this grand performance of KaNNan so mercifully, the day is finished. His removing the sin of the elephant and granted mOksham to him has finished our day (made our day) He is ViNNor PerumAn- the Lord of NithyasUris. Always He is the One. But why said now? Because of this elephant it was made clear to the world that He is the Lord of NithyasUris; not someone else. He is The Primordial Chief. He is the Adhimoolam. Naa aham; naa aham; na chaa aham said everyone else. Our most compassionate Lord, the One and only one rushed immediately to save the elephant. If He had simply sent the ChakrA from there, the world would have been misled to believe that the chakrA is the Chief. [the world is waiting for being misled given even an iota of chance]. He rode on garudA and came with chakrA to indicate that he is the chief of Nithya sUris. He removed the sin of the crocodile as well; and granted mOksham to elephant (as he had entered into the lake to pluck a flower to offer to the Lord). vaanaththezhundha mazhaimukilpOl engum kaanaththumEyndhu kaLiththuviLaiyaadi Enaththuruvaay idandha_immaNNinai thaanaththEvaiththaanaal_inRumuRRum tharaNiyidandhaanaal_inRumuRRum. 9. He is like the huge dark rainy clouds in the sky; He came as a Huge Boar, loitering in the forest fearlessly. He brought back the Earthon his Horn from troubled waters, killing HiraNyAkshan who had kept the earth below the cosmic waters.. This KaNNan kept back the earth in its place and with that the day is over. (thinking about his grandest deeds) Bringing back the bhUmi made our day. [maanamilA panRi-..- the Huge Boar- says ANdAL in Naacchiyaar Thirumozhi]. Here, placing back the earth is not the grandest thing. Bringing back keeping the Bhumi PirraTTi on His lap, hugging her tightly with her cheeks touching his so that her trembling fear is removed); also assuring her with His Charama slOkam (BhUmi PiraaTTi had asked him to protect us as well like He just saved her) angamalakkaNNan_thannai yasOdhaikku mangain^allaar_kaLthaam vandhumuRaippatta angavarsollaip pudhuvaipkOnpattan_sol ingivaivallavarkku EdhamonRillaiyE. (2) 10. These ten PAsurams written in pure chaste Thamizh, sung by Bhatta Nathan of SrivilliputthUr, on the good quality (mangai nallaar) women complaining to YasOdhA on Kutti KaNNan¡¦s grandest mischief and deeds; and those who read /recite these mahaanubhaavar¡¦s (the Blessed ones who enjoyed Kutti KaNNan) words, will have no grievance in this world. Here AzhwAr refers to them good quality girls. How can they be good if they complain about Kutti? They may implicitly tell Yasodha: We want to be with Him always. He has fled. We long for His companionship. We just pass the time narrating his avatars. We should not perish with just these enjoyment. We should unite with Him. Hence, call Him out and ask Him to answer to our pleas. AzhWar thus pays His obeisance to those devotees calling them nallaar. He is neither a thief nor a sthree lOlan. The things that he steals- whose property is that? His or theirs? Who things (or misunderstands ) that it is owned by them? We.. He enjoys His property. What is the harm? If they do not allow Him to take what belongs to Him. The thief- he or they? Obviously they.. What belongs to Him should be surrendered to Him. He alone is the Purushan. All others are sthrees. He is the NirupAdhika Swamy. He owns us as His ladies and if we talk about it, it is our ignorance. He never does anything wrong. The sRiram is for AthmA to enjoy. He is the AthmA and the jIvAs are His sarIram. He is the antharAthmA in those ladies (sthrees) ¡V who are His devotees as well as their bodies. He owns them as His right. We need to realize this clearly. PeriyazhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan _________________________________________________________________ Surf the Web without missing calls! Get MSN Broadband. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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