RE: Austrian research on Visishtadvaita

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Oct 24 2002 - 19:49:46 PDT

I have seen four volumes of the series -
1. Tattvaratnakara fragments, about 72 of them, with annotation and German 
translation. These have been published earlier by a Sri Vaishnava scholar 
too (Uttamur Viraraghavacharya??), indepenently, but I forget his name.
2. The Antaryami Brahmana of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (with Ramanujacharya's 
gloss on these vakyas).
3. Critical edition of Samvitsiddhi - the text as such is not much different 
from the 'Siddhitrayam' published from Chennai. Ed. is Roque Mesquita.
4. Fragments of Yadavaprakasha's Brahmasutrabhashya, mainly from 
Vedantadeshika's works, and secondarily from Sudarshana Suri's works. This 
is the largest collection of his fragments that I have encountered, although 
several crucial onces in Srutaprakasika etc. have been left out.

All the four volumes are in Sanskrit-German, and of very good quality. We 
should indeed offer our support. Gerhard Oberhammer is the series editor. 
The series has also produced some works on Dvaita, one of which is available 
in English translation (on the Vedic quotations in Madhva's works, published 
by Aditya Prakashan, Delhi and authored by Mesquita). This particular work 
has invited a lengthy criticism by Shrisha Rao, and this is under 
publication in the forthcoming issue of WZKS (Vienna). In the 
acknowledgements sections, you will find my name as well.

The 4 volumes above should actually be available in all major US libraries, 
bound with other volumes of the series.

Vishal Agarwal

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Krishna Kashyap" 
CC: , "Vishal Agarwal" 

Subject: RE: Austrian research on Visishtadvaita
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 17:18:26 -0700


can you tell me how to read the list on the sanskrit document area of the
links ( in India links area) of this webpage?  I think rare sanskrit
documents are in english and itrans. I need to find out how I can read that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mani Varadarajan []
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2002 4:59 PM
Cc:; Vishal Agarwal
Subject: Austrian research on Visishtadvaita

There appears to be a significant amount of research into
the philosophy and historical origin of Visishtadvaita
going on in Austria, at the Institute for Asian Cultural and Religious
History (Institut für Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens).

[ ]

The chief scholar appears to be one Gerhard Oberhammer.  He and
his associates have written several volumes on several rare
Visishtadvaita texts such as Vatsya Varadacharya's Prameyamala
and Parashara Bhattar's Tattvaratnakara. They also appear to have
done extensive study on the role and evolution of of Pancaratra

Has anyone looked into these works? I realize they are mostly
in German, but I am very impressed by how much work these people
have put into this. As a group we should support and encourage
them for all they are doing.

ramanuja dasan

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