Re: Vishnu in Rig Vedam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed Oct 09 2002 - 22:11:27 PDT

With regard to Avatarams in Vedam, I feel that it might have been 
something to do with foretelling that such avatarams would take place 
in the coming ages. 

For example Bhagavatam talks about Kalki avataram, but does that mean 
Bhagavatam came after Kalki avataram. 

Similarly I have heard that there are references to 2 very old 
Kshetrams in the VEdams...Tirupati and Puri Jagannath. Infact the 
Gaudiyas and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu followers (Iskcon etc.) quote 
several verses foretelling the incarnation of Sri Chaitanya, in the 
VEdas and Upanishads and other Puranas. 

I would interpret this verse from Rig Vedam as one such. I may not be 
too qualified to comment, but to convince myself I would do that 

-- Pradeep 

[ Obviously, the divinity of Chaitanya as an avatara of the Supreme
  is not accepted by anyone outside the Gaudiya tradition including
  Sri Vaishnavas. We are of the opinion that the basis for such a
  belief is slim. In any case, this forum is not the place to debate
  the merits of such a doctrine. -- Moderator ]

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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