Re: Sri Ramanuja's tradition today
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sowmya N V • Wed Oct 16 2002 - 03:06:17 PDT
Hi Akhilesh That is a very thoughtful question GOD IS WITHIN US , OUR GOOD CONSCIENCE is THE PARAMATHMA , always guiding or rather prodding us to act righteously So , people who dont live in such places where there are no dvyadesams or temples shouldnt feel that they are far away from the percincts of their religion , after all , religion is a way of life Those who dont have access to all such places of worship , should build a temple within themselves and worship the LORD by doing things which would please HIM , like being good to others , helping the needy , etc Sowmya __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Faith Hill - Exclusive Performances, Videos & More -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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