Selections from the Upanishads - Dr. NSA Swamy"s monographs(3)
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Oct 14 2002 - 13:32:56 PDT
SrI: Dear BahkthAs: For some time , we were concerned about the lack of authoritative and clear explanatory texts on Upanishads intrepreted in the VaishNavite tradition a la AchArya RaamAnujA in His SrI BhAshyam (11th century )and the subsequent work by Upanishad BhaashyakArar of the 16th century. We all were looking for the Sanskrit Texts accompanied by translations and English commentaries. We are aware that there have been a huge number of monographs representing the Advaitic view. MahA VidvAn Dr. N.S. AnanatharangAcchAr Swamy of Bangalore, a prolific writer on VedAntic Subjects , who released recently the Sanskrit-Cum English monograph on MahA NaarAyaNOnishad has been kind enough to share his vast knowledge about the other major upanishads in the VaishNavite tradition. 24 BhakthAs from U.S.A , 6 from Kuwait , 1 from U.K and 1 from Australia and few others from India have come together to make it possible to release the following THREE monographs as communicated by SrIman A.Narasimhan , son of Dr.NSA Swamy: >There are three books to be published now >1. Selections from the principal Upanishads (15 upanishads) >2. Principal upanishads with detailed commentary as per Sri Rangaramanuja >3. Chandogya with commentary > >The separate work on Brihadaranyaka with commentary might be >released after all the above as many mantras from Brihadaranyaka >would be included in the first work for now. My father will be >using the contributions from all the sponsors for the above works >and will send copies of all the three works to all of >the suporters of the project. The contributions from U.S.A , U.K , Kuwait and Australia has added upto 1.2 laks of Rupees independent of any support in Rupees from India based bhakthAs. Dr.NSA Swamy is very happy over the tremendous support given by BhakthAs from all over the world . Every one of the supporters will be recieving these books from either SrI A.narasimhan or adiyEn as soon a s the printing is completed. adiyEn is deeply grateful for your extraordinary support to make it possible for the current and furure generations to have access to the treasures for the ancient Upanishads . adiyEn thanks Srimathi Nagu Satyan for sending a check to Dr.NSA Swamy this week for $1318 representing the samarpaNams from the 24 U.S.A based BhakthAs/VedaabhimAnis. Any one , who wishes to acquire these books for their libraries are requested to contact me .Those who are based in India are requested to contact SrIman Narasimhan directly at NamO veda PurushAya , NigamAntha MahA DesikAya Nama: Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil V.Sadagopan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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