The Glory of Tamil
From the Bhakti List Archives
Malolan R Cadambi • Thu Oct 10 2002 - 19:13:03 PDT
Sri SrimathE nigamAntha mahadesikAya namaha Dear Bhaktas, We must be aware of a controversy in Karur recently. Such instances taken by both sides often hurt both languages. One side making a statement that Sanskrit alone is pure and the other declaring that the god who can't understand tamil has no place in the land of tamil. This reflects the poor scholarship and un-catholicity of both sides. However, Swami Desikan has clearly established the Glory of Tamil. Sarva Tantra Swatantrar, Swami Desikan was a master of over 6 to 7 languages. Samskrutam, Tamizh, Manipravalam, Telugu, Prakrit, Kannadam, Malayalam was pointed out by Sri CG Balaji. Swami Desikan writes about the glory of Tamil in DramidOpanishat Tatparya Ratnavali (DRT for short). DRT is a commentary on the Thiruvaymozhi of Prapanna Jana Koothasthar, Nammazhwar. I quote Sloka 4 of DRT. The DRT was translated by Sri R Rangachari of the Vedanta Desika Research Society, a society that aims to publish all 120 works on Swami Desikan in languages his votaries can understand. "To sing the praise of the Lord, all tongues are meet! No need to discriminate between the famed sanskrit and other speech! Is not this the way of the world too, as between the rulers and the ruled? But Tamizh has a special glory - all persons may use it, without distinction of caste or creed. Is not Agastya, the great sage, it's progenitor? And the Tamizh hymns of SatakOpan(Nammalwar) are unique! The hosts of sages, the itihaasas and the puranas have but sought to clarify the import of the vedas! And SatakOpan is the sage of utmost excellence unalloyed; His composition does in south - unravel the subtleties of the Word (Brahma Sabdham) revealed - In this it is beyond compare!" Hence there is no conflict between Samkrutham and Tamizh. Both are equally valid for praising the Lord. However, when different sects try to uphold one over the other, misunderstanding arises. Thanga Tamizh Maalai Muppadhum...... - Declares Andal. Samskrute Sambhaashanam Kuru, Jeevanasya Parivarthanam Kuru! Regards, Malolan Cadambi __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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