Re: [t'vengadam] The Stranger
From the Bhakti List Archives
Balakrishnan M • Tue Oct 08 2002 - 21:24:57 PDT
--- bindinganavale sureshwrote: > Yes,it is really strange and a > pain for us that we seem to know so much of this > Stranger?? > from the scriptures and works of acharyas and > alwars,but today when we ask ourselves whether we > have > seen him or found him?,we are not in a position to > give a definite and convincing reply though we can > arrive at logical conclusions or answer based on our > faith in the Lord generated in us from our own > experiences in life. Actually for most people they are not bothered who the "Stranger" is and for some including myself even though with little knowledge about the "Stranger" we are not looking at the "Stranger" who is the friend of all living entities. The Stranger is situated in the heart of all living entities (iswarah sarva bhutanam hrddese arjuna tishati, BG Chap 18). The Upanisads states that within the heart of every living entity there reside both the jiva and the paramatma just like 2 birds sitting in the tree. One of the bird (we the jiva) is very busy eating the fruits from the tree (enjoying our senses) while the other bird paramata) is just watching us. Although the 2 birds are in the same tree, the bird that is eating (we the jiva) is fully busy and engrossed in eating and enjoying the fruits of the tree, too busy to even look at the "Stranger" nearby who is witnessing us. If by any chance or the bird that is eating (we the jiva) turns our face to our the "Stranger" who is actually our friend and recognises his glories, the bird (we the jiva) will be delivered from all anxieties. As mentioned earlier the "Stranger" is actually our friend and the jiva's forgetfulness of the relationship with the paramatma causes the jiva (the bird) from one tree to another (transmigrating). Although we (most of us) know that we should stop eating and look at the "Stranger" but instead of doing it we continue to eat and eat. Bala. ===== M. Balakrishnan H/P: 016-4838038 -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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