Smt Mani Krishnaswamy's recordings
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mani Varadarajan • Mon Oct 07 2002 - 17:41:30 PDT
Dear Friends, A question was asked recently about the devotional recordings late Sangeetha Vidushi Smt. Mani Krishnaswamy. Her son Sri M.K. Sudarshan provided the following reply: M.K.Sudarshan writes: > > Dear Mani, > > Dr.Smt Mani Krishnaswami's musical rendition of Swami Desikan's > 'stOtrA-s' include the following audio cassettes: > > dayA satakam > bhagavath-dhyAna sopanam > goda stuthi > gopala vimshati > sri stuthi > dasavatara stOtram > achyuta satakam > > In addition her audio renderings also include : > > soundarya lahari > lalitha sahasranamam > venkateshwara sahasranamam (TTD) > narayana kavacham (incld. lakshmi kavacham) > > Some of the above are available through AVM and TTD audio. Others are > under several other audio retail brands in Madras. There are many > pirated copies doing the rounds in S.India too, God knows how many. > > Sometime in the the future I intend to reproduce all my mother's > Desika StOtrA-s in one memorial CD which I'm sure will be of great > use to all 'asthikA-s'. > > Trust this finds you and your family in the best of health and > spirits. > > Regards, > dAsan, > Sudarshan > -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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