RE: /cinnaJ/ciRu kAlE: Shri Harikrishnan's and Shri Vasudevan's c omments
From the Bhakti List Archives
Nanmaaran • Mon Oct 07 2002 - 08:38:29 PDT
Dear Shri Vasudevan, That was the reply to Shri Visu's email. Please check the email as i have replied to his email but subject mentioned your name. Dear Shri & Vasudevan, There was no intention to hurt anyone from my side. We have started the topic and enough points were given to substantiate correct meaning. Even after that when we try to take different meaning, we are defaming the poet and hence i wrote last email. Kamban says when seeing the pravaakam of Godavari.."this river's pravaakam is like the words coming out of Tamil poet's mouth" Why iam reinstating this is because they were divine people and did not search for words. Words were waiting for them to use. So there cannot be a room for a wrong usage. If you say that it is a new thinking, it has to be substantiated by the following words of the pasuram which is not there as we discussed. Iam not saying that we have to be like TALIBAN and ban all new thinking. At the same time we cannot go on giving our version even after it is proven weak. Anyway If my words had hurt you, i apologise for that. Thanks to Shri Harikrishna for replying to Shri Vasudevan understanding my feelings.Moderator can decide whether to close the topic now or continue.... Regards Nanmaaran -- original message -- "M.G.Vasudevan" wrote: Dear sri vaishnava perunthagaiyeer, When sri hari krishnan and sri nanmaran has pointed these grammar points they are good points for me to learn, for, as I said earlier, I am not good at tamil grammar. It is seen that suddenly Sri nanmaran wants to give a list of things of "do not do". I am pained very much. [...] -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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