Krishna Yajurveda (KYV)book with swara

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Oct 03 2002 - 21:50:10 PDT

I was able to get KYV books with swara marked in Kannada script.
The samhita part (3 volumes) publishe dby RK mission.
Brahmana part (3 volumes) published by Sri Gangadhara Shastry and edited by
Sri. H.R. Krishnaswamy (Son-in-law of sri N.S. Anantha Rangachar)
Aranyaka part (1 volume) published by Ubhaya Vedanta pravarthana sabha.

To my knowledge, KYV in Sanskrit script with swara marked does not exist.
Mr. krishnan of Srirangam (Vefa Prasara Samiti) who got all the Veda audios
recorded was unable to provide any text for KYV. He is also trying to locate.
If he couldn't locate it in the past couple years, perhaps it does not exist.
However, one can find portions of it in Sanskrit through RK publications.

If anyone is interested in a particular portion, for example mantra prashna
(aEkAgnikhANDam)  I will be happy to make a Sanskrit text and mail. 

K. Sreekrishna Tatachar

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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