Kanninun Siruththambu - 07

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Sep 30 2002 - 13:40:22 PDT

Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:

Kanninun Siruththambu Seventh Pasura Vyakhyana Saram
Excerpted from Sri Nanjeeyar and Nampillai's Vyakhyanam

A Tamil version of this vyakhyana saram can be found at

kaNdu koNdennaik kARimARap pirAn
paNdai valvinai pARRi aruLinAn
eNdisaiyum aRiyaviyambukEn
oNdamizh sadagOpan aruLaiyE

Maran (Nammazhvar) who is the son of Kari and who is my
Lord, picked me and brought me under his grace such that 
those timeless karmas to which I was attached were 
completely destroyed.  I am obliged to sing the praises
Sri Sadagopa, who is the repository for beautiful Tamil
poems, so that everyone in all eight directions hears

Vyakhyana Saram:
Madhurakavi Azhvar states that he will praise and spread
Nammazhvar's grace, which removed all his mistakes and
karma and saved him, at all places for all time. He says
that he will let everyone know the greatness of 
Nammazhvar's grace that saved him on hits own without 
considering the extent of his lowly nature.

Just as He was always seeing (and enjoying) Nammazhvar
("irunthAn kaNdu koNdu"), so too Nammazhvar is always 
seeing Madhurakavi Azhvar.

Nammazhvar has done this great help without looking for
anything in return, yet I should have done something 
back for him. But I have not done that, says Madhurakavi 

Just as He became the Lord (pirAn) to Nammazhvar ("pirAn 
perunilankeeNdavan"), Nammazhvar has become the Lord to 
Madhurakavi Azhvar. Nammazhvar has become his lord 
because of the great help he gave him. He has become 
Madhurakavi Azhvar's lord to the extent that Madhurakavi 
Azhvar does not have to go to Nammazhvar's lord for any 

paNdaivalvinai paaRRi:
Because these karmas are timeless, an origin cannot be
ascribed to them. Nevertheless, as if they do have an
origin, Nammazhvar has now given an end to them. These
karmas which can only be removed by experiences have
been removed by Nammazhvar. The karmas that could not
be removed for countless time even through experiences
and other acts have been removed by Nammazhvar.

Nammazhvar destroyed them so completely that they can
now neither follow Madhurakavi Azhvar nor get attached
to someone else ("dvishanta: pApakrutyAm").

He gave Nammazhvar his grace such that he gained the
uncorrupted knowledge; so too Nammazhvar has provided
his grace to Madhurakavi Azhvar.

Without any difference or bias, without missing a 
single person or thing, Madhurakavi Azhvar will sing 
Nammazhvar's praises for all to hear ("thoNdeer 
elleerum vAreer").

That Tamil which brought forth and made available those 
rare meanings that were hidden under great depths. It
brought out that matter which was hidden from everyone
("yatO vAcO nivartantE") and made it available to all.

Nammazhvar's grace has reached even those who had 
escaped His grace when He was providing the knowledge.
Nammazhvar's grace is not the same as His grace - 
azhvar's grace reaches even those who do not get His

Madhurakavi Azhvar, Nanjeeyar, Nampillai Thiruvadigale 
Azhvar Emperumanar Jeeyar Thiruvadigale Saranam

adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan
T.C.A. Venkatesan

Kanninun Siruththambu Vyakhyana Saram Series:

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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