Re: UpadEsa Rathna Maalai: Part10(AvathAra Sthalams of AzhwArs:30-33)

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 11, 1999

Dear Sri Anand: Thanks very much for your note.
By copy of this note I am requesting Sriman
T.A.Varadhan and others , who may be more familiar
with the ThennAchArya SampradhAyam to provide  
additional appropriate information to
help us understand the count of 4,000 .
It will be helpful to know more about this.

  At 08:05 PM 11/11/99 +0530, you wrote:
>SrI Lakshminrusimha ParabrahmaNE namaha
>SrI Lakshminrusimha divya pAdukA sEvaka SrIvaN-
>SatakOpa SrI nArAyaNa yateendra mahAdESIkAya namaha
> Dear SrI Sadagopan,
> namO nArAyaNA.
> You wrote : 
>It appears that in the time of MM , there was a controversy
>about including RaamAnuja NooranthAdhi in the count of
>Four Thousand.Responding to this dilemma , MM's disciple,
>AppiLLai came up with a count of 4000 without
>the inclusion of AmudhanAr's prabhandham . MM however
>ruled that the centum devoted to his dear AchArya
>RaamAnujA should be part of the 4000 count and
>followed the adhyayana niyamam for this prabhandham
>in line with the practise for the other Prabhandhams .
> As far as adiyEn's knowledge goes, thennAchArya 
> sampradAyam counts the 4000 pAsurams, without the
> inclusion of SrI amudhanAr's "rAmAnuja nootrandAdi".
> But, adiyEn knows for sure that the vadagalai-AchArya 
> sampradAyam counts the 4000 pAsurams with its inclusion.
> adiyEn requests for clarification in this issue, with
> respect to the count recognized by thennAchArya sampradAyam.
> thanks in advance.
> adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan 
> ananthapadmanAbha dAsan